
Is the laptop about to be obsolete in agencies?

The rising popularity of tablet computers could consign older tech to the dustbin, analyst argues.


DOD's Android effort begins to bear fruit

DOD's embrace of the Android operating system is just getting started. How did it begin?

Digital Government

VA mobile devices to be primarily for clinicians, CIO says

Clinicians and benefits specialists need mobile devices more than other employees, says CIO Roger Baker.


Technology on the outs in 2012

Some technology standbys will get their walking papers this year.


DOD to allow Android on classified networks

Forthcoming security standards are expected to allow the use of certain mobile devices on DOD's secure networks.


Technology: Subsidized mobile devices and other hot concepts in 2012

By offering a stipend and a secure network connection, agencies will welcome employees' personal devices at work.


2012: The rise of the virtual workforce

2012 will see a more intense focus on building a 'hyper-productive, hyper-available' federal workforce.


DARPA commissioning ad-hoc smart phone network

DARPA and SAIC are set to develop a new mobile ad-hoc network for smart phone use.


More feds use mobile devices for work than expected

New research shows significant use of mobile devices among federal IT workers.


CES 2012: What feds need to know

Feds use electronics trade show to promote mobile strategy, universal broadband and anti-piracy legislation.


Government seeks input on federal mobility strategy

The government wants advice from feds and the public on speeding up the adoption of mobile technologies.


Army explores e-textbook possibilities

The Army begins research for platform-agnostic e-textbooks.

Digital Government

National Weather Service in dispute over privatization of mobile app development

Has the National Weather Service gone too far in allowing private developers to lead the way in developing mobile apps for weather data?


VanRoekel: Citizens expect more digital interaction with government

With the emergence of a Facebook Nation, Americans have come to expect more digital interaction with their government, says Obama's chief information officer.


'Socialytics' to become tech trend in 2012

Analysts predict 2012 will see more focus on mobility and social media use in federal agencies.


Are Kindle and Nook tablets destined for agencies?

New offerings from Amazon and Barnes and Noble ramp up the power of popular e-readers. What does it mean for agencies?


Are federal agencies moving too quickly to adopt Android?

A former CTO of the Defense Intelligence Agency advises caution for federal agencies considering Android devices.


Telework conversation due to shift

Agencies are increasingly comfortable with telework, but at least one expert thinks the concept may soon be a thing of the past.


After the executive order: Will IT devices prove their worth?

President Obama's Nov. 9 executive order has a clear intent: To limit the number of IT devices.


Will Amazon's Fire kindle a new push for personal tech at work?

Amazon's new device may be less versatile than Apple's iPad, but it's also much less expensive. Expect the weeks after Christmas to bring it into the workplace.