
Mobile do’s and don’ts

Government agencies are launching special versions of their Web sites designed to load quickly onto the small screens of mobile phones and other handheld devices.


Who else is going mobile

Here are some of the states and agencies that have created Web sites tailored to mobile users.


Sweat pants and metrics

Telework improves efficiency and reduces costs, but how can a manager know which employees are working hard and which are hardly working?


Obama picks Google exec to lead citizen participation efforts

Obama makes another key technology appointment.


Obama smartphone conforms to military standards

President Obama will have to give up his BlackBerry and switch to a maximum-security smartphone.


IG: Air Force wireless project over budget

DOD's inspector general recommends reorganizing, recompeting wireless network project.


In the News: Obama to keep BlackBerry

President Barack Obama will keep his BlackBerry for personal use, making him the first sitting president to use e-mail, the Associated Press reports.


Will Obama open the government through IT?

Speculation continues on how president-elect Barack Obama will make use of collaborative information technology to increase government transparency.


DARPA awards contracts to develop cyber testing environment

DARPA awards contracts to develop cyber testing environment.


Letter: Next president should use Internet in government, but how?

After reading an FCW editorial, one reader wants to how the next president could use the many Internet tools.


Suda: IT paves the way to safer roads

DOT is looking for ways to use emerging technologies to meet safety andcongestion-reduction goals.


BBN field tests portable translator

BBN Technologies has developed a translation device that enables a two-way dialogue between speakers of different languages.


A new life for talk-to-text?

Efforts of speech-recognition developers could pay off as a smart application for smart phones.


Letter: Census should have kept Internet option on the table

A reader says that if the bureau had pursued a Web-based response system for the 2010 census, the decision to abandon handheld devices wouldn’t be so disappointing.


Census counts on paper for 2010

House lawmakers grill Commerce officials about rising costs and reversion to paper.


GSA awards contracts for wireless expense management

Three vendors will help agencies pool their purchase of cellular phones, Blackberrys and related products and services.


Reps. Davis, Turner press for hearing on alleged Census troubles

Senior Republicans request House Oversight and Government Committee Democratic leaders to address reported issues with handheld program.


Hot or not: With tech, there's always change

New technologies kept federal managers from falling into any routine


Air Force needs to better manage satellite data

With so much information available, the service wants to sift through it more easily.


TSA set to test TWIC card reader technology

TSA wants to see how the biometric systems react to different operational conditions at five locations.