Emerging Tech

Hawaii’s Mars Simulations Are Turning Into Moon Missions

The dome where crew members practiced red-planet missions will now be converted to a simulated moon base.


NASA extends incumbent on troubled ACES contract

It looks like NASA is going to go the full 10 years on its agencywide $2.5 billion IT services contract ACES, despite early hiccups.

Emerging Tech

The Moon Is Open for Business

Commercial companies are proposing lunar missions at a pace the world hasn’t seen since the Apollo program.

Digital Government

'Alexa, how is NASA using chatbots?'

NASA is testing these devices to see how well they work with automating internal processes like scheduling a meeting or looking up contract information.

Emerging Tech

Google’s New Tool to Fight Climate Change

The company will begin estimating local carbon pollution from cities around the world.

Emerging Tech

NASA’s Beloved Mars Rovers Are Having a Rough Year

One was felled by a dust storm. And now the other has been sidelined by a technical glitch.

Digital Government

NASA’s First Female Chief Spaceflight Director is Holly Ridings

Ridings will lead all human spaceflight missions from Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas.


What federal job automation looks like

As the Trump administration aims to drive efficiency and accuracy and eliminate "low-value work," agencies are starting to think about what aspects of their operations lend themselves to automation.


GAO: Data-driven management is stuck in neutral

The Government Accountability Office says agencies haven't really improved on data-driven decision-making since 2013.