
NSA, CISA Promote Domain Name System Incorporating Threat Information

The agencies’ guide on selecting a provider of protective DNS services is based on a pilot with the Department of Defense Cyber Crime Center.


Splitting NSA, CyberCom Now Could Reduce Military Access to Intelligence, Milley Says

The Joint Chiefs chairman says the organizations have not yet worked out how to keep the data flowing after the long-awaited split.


NSA Pushes Zero Trust Principles to Help Prevent Sophisticated Hacks

Operating under the default position that an organization has been compromised is a pain that’s worth it, the agency said.


Biden Team Snatches NSA Cyber Chief for White House Role 

Anne Neuberger aimed to share more information about cybersecurity vulnerabilities with the public.


NSA Cyber Directorate Touts Election, Pandemic Security Work in 2020 Review

Anne Neuberger, NSA’s director of cybersecurity, said the agency “surged rapidly” to secure telework and protect networks used in vaccine development.


NSA Warns China Is Targeting Flaws in U.S. National Security Systems

The agency describes 25 known weaknesses that could be difficult for defenders of national security systems to overcome.


NSA Staffer Sentenced to 5.5 Years in Prison for Taking Documents Home

Ellicott City-based Pho was a computer developer handling top secret intelligence.


Russian Military Spy Software is on Hundreds of Thousands of Home Routers

In May, the Justice Department told Americans to reboot their routers. But there's more to do — and NSA says it's up to device makers and the public.

Digital Government

NSA Director: The Agency 'Sells Itself' to Potential Recruits

Nakasone tells industry group of 92 percent retention rate, need for diversity.


House Appropriations Panel Should Step Up Cyber Oversight, Member Urges

The panel should hold its first cyber-specific budget hearing this year, Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger says.

Digital Government

Former NSA Contractor Admits to Stealing Confidential Documents

Harold Martin III pleaded guilty to one of 20 counts of willful retention of national defense information.


Massive Classified NSA Contract Under Protest

The second part of the National Security Agency's Groundbreaker IT is on hold.


Kaspersky Says It Intercepted NSA Hacking Tools but Didn't Hand Them Over to Russia

The Russian anti-virus firm released preliminary results of an investigation into how and when it lifted NSA malware from a personal computer.


Pentagon to Scrub Kaspersky From Defense Systems Following DHS Ban

The Defense Department is following a DHS directive to remove the Russian anti-virus from its systems but it’s not clear if the software was there in the first place.


How to Prepare for More Attacks from Leaked NSA Tools

As the Shadow Brokers continue selling off hacking tools, organizations need to be prepared for hard-to-detect attacks.


NSA Quietly Awarded a Classified $2.4 Billion Tech Contract With More to Come

CSRA wins the NSA’s Groundbreaker recompete to modernize portions of the intelligence community’s IT infrastructure


Homeland Security Adviser Urges Congress to Renew Controversial Surveillance Power

Tom Bossert warned letting Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act sunset would have grave security consequences.