Digital Government

GovTV: The Navy's new robot firefighter

A prototype of the Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot debuted this week.


Top Navy official asks Congress to strip out acquisition regulations

The new Congress should focus reform efforts on doing away with existing regulations rather than adding new ones, says the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition.


How would you like to run the Navy's IT?

With Terry Halvorsen running DOD IT, the Navy is now officially looking for a new CIO.


Kelli Bell

This Rising Star leads the team that is in charge of conducting risk assessments for the Navy's IT systems.


Shawn Garrow

This Rising Star has been involved in the Navy's biggest IT projects in recent years, including the Next Generation Enterprise Network.


The Navy's cyber awakening

A departmentwide task force makes cyberspace a warfighting issue and attempts to synchronize disparate internal approaches to the challenge.


Navy leaders try to speed IT acquisition by reinterpreting the FAR

It takes at least six months to get from RFP to a contract award, and "six months is a lifetime when it comes to security," says the Navy's Victor Gavin.