Emerging Tech

Bipartisan House bill seeks to reauthorize federal counter-drone authority

A proposal to extend the Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice’s authority to mitigate threats from unmanned aircraft systems would also grant new counter-drone abilities to the FAA.


A law directing cyber reg harmonization would ‘help enormously,’ White House official says

The remarks come a day after ONCD issued a blog calling for cybersecurity regulations to be harmonized.

Digital Government

Tech sees steep cuts in House Republicans’ funding proposal

The Technology Modernization Fund would once again see zero contributions in FY25, though the U.S. Digital Service would get new authority to get reimbursements from agencies under the bill.


Why it's past time to modernize the FITARA scorecard

COMMENTARY | Another reset is needed to keep the FITARA scorecard relevant in driving IT management best practices across federal agencies


VA's tech training program for vets is up for renewal, but backers want more accountability

A provision in a recently introduced legislative package would extend VA’s VET-TEC training program through September 2026 while seeking to address employment disparities.


Senator calls for federal probes of UnitedHealth for negligent cyber practices

Hackers broke into Change Healthcare systems due to a lack of multifactor authentication.


VA extends Oracle's EHR contract for 1 month

Lawmakers are pressing for more accountability in the multibillion dollar contract amid delays, system downtime and patient safety concerns.


House passes TMF reauthorization bill

The Modernizing Government Technology Reform Act includes changes around repayment to the TMF.


Cyber Force study gets added to House panel’s 2025 defense policy bill

The study on whether to create a Cyber Force branch in the Pentagon now goes to the House floor as part of the 2025 NDAA.


How government outreach can combat election disinformation

COMMENTARY | We need a solution in which messages are non-partisan, easily accessible and easy to understand.

Emerging Tech

NIST’s emerging tech work will be ‘very difficult’ without sustained funding, director says

Testifying before a House committee, NIST Director Laurie Locascio highlighted her agency’s ongoing work while making clear the need for more funding.

Exclusive Cybersecurity

CISA would get millions for cyber workforce outreach to underserved communities under new bill

The measure comes amid concerns from cybersecurity officials and professionals over how workforce diversity gaps may threaten U.S. cyber defenses.


Lawmakers update proposal to cut down on billions in improper payments

Agencies would be required to include details on their anti-fraud controls and fraud risk management work in annual financial reports.


House panel advances measure to dissolve SEC cyber disclosure rule

The White House has said the president would veto any legislative effort to revoke the rule.

Emerging Tech

NSF to issue framework addressing national security implications of sensitive research

The agency’s director noted that the TRUST framework — based on recommendations made in a recent advisory group report — will be unveiled “in the coming months.”

Emerging Tech

TSA’s biometrics deployment will take 25 years, unless lawmakers end fee diversion, agency head tells Congress

The Transportation Security Administration chief told lawmakers that it will take until 2049 to deploy facial recognition technology at U.S. airports if significant revenue from the 9/11 security fee continues to be diverted away from the agency.

Artificial Intelligence

Senate AI roadmap calls for $32 billion for AI programs

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer unveiled the Senate AI Working Group’s policy recommendations, which include plans for emergency appropriations to be passed this year. Senate committees will start developing bills and Working Group leaders will kick of "serious discussions" about working with House leaders on a path to pass AI legislation.


Lawmakers propose more scrutiny of VA's new EHR, reauthorize VET-TEC program

The bipartisan legislative package includes new oversight metrics for VA’s Oracle Cerner electronic health record system but would end the modernization effort if facilities using the software don’t show improvement.


DOD ordered to evaluate mobile device cybersecurity in 2025 defense bill

The evaluations would include basic tools like virtual private networks that encrypt connections when browsing the web.