Emerging Tech

DOD is looking to grow its marketplace for speedy acquisitions of innovative tech

The Pentagon is working to build its Tradewinds Solutions Marketplace “out of the proof of concept phase” to help more DOD entities quickly acquire innovative industry products.


DOD stands up new civilian-facing cyber policy office

The nominated head of the new Pentagon office is awaiting confirmation in Congress.


VA officials tout EHR rollout at Chicago site amid efforts to address oversight concerns

Although implementation of VA’s EHR system at additional sites remains paused, a critical rollout of the software at the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center earlier this month was “the most successful deployment we’ve had,” VA Undersecretary for Health Shereef Elnahal said.


The US must create an independent cyber armed service, report argues

The study involved interviews with over 75 active-duty and retired U.S. military officers and argues an independent Cyber Force is an ideal operating model.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon’s outgoing AI chief warns Congress on safety, accuracy risks of the emerging tech

Craig Martell, the DOD’s chief digital and artificial intelligence officer, warned that ensuring the accuracy and value of large language models will be the “biggest charge” for his successor.


Biden nominates first assistant defense secretary for cyber policy

The position was created to address concerns about missing civilian leadership in the Pentagon’s cyber policy space.

Artificial Intelligence

Lawmakers eye 2025 defense bill for AI proposals

A leader of the Senate’s bipartisan AI working group said that next year's must-pass defense policy bill could include some substantive AI proposals, but the Senate is “not ready” for a comprehensive AI bill at this time.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon official says US values will outcompete Beijing in AI 

The U.S. continues to lead the global AI arms race with China “because it's powered by a free and open society, committed to responsible-use values and ideals,” according to Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks.


Nearly 300 comment on proposed CMMC rule

The Defense Department now has to process and respond to the comments before it issues the final version of the industry-wide rule in the fall.


Top Pentagon IT official departs deputy CIO role

Lily Zeleke will be taking over “new responsibilities” at the agency, though it’s still unknown what her new position is.

Artificial Intelligence

DOD’s generative AI task force looks for ‘blind spots’

The head of the Pentagon’s Task Force Lima initiative estimated that 60% of its use cases are for a chatbot.

Artificial Intelligence

DOD's AI strategy leans on high-quality data

Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Officer Craig Martell said private sector companies will play a crucial role in the Pentagon’s adoption of AI technologies and the pursuit of high-quality data.


The Pentagon is notifying individuals affected by 2023 email data breach

The exposed contents were not secured with a password at the time of their compromise.

Artificial Intelligence

Adding generative AI to wargame training can improve realism, but not without risk

The next big move may be to make military simulations smarter, specifically by adding advanced AI so that the simulated adversaries can offer better challenges.


Proposed contractor cyber reporting rule sets a ‘significantly problematic’ bar, industry groups say

The groups, which represent tech and cybersecurity companies sometimes contracted by the government, say the proposals are too rigorous and inconsistent.


Defense Innovation Board looks to lock data access in 'all vendor agreements'

A recent study from the advisory group said data access requirements in the Pentagon’s vendor agreements are “fragmented and inconsistent” and called for Congress to take action.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon’s new bug bounty seeks to find bias in AI systems

The head of DOD’s Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office said “the outcome of the AI bias bounties could powerfully impact future DOD AI policies and adoption.”

Artificial Intelligence

DISA plots 'concierge AI' to help staffers

The agency is undertaking some early proof of concept initiatives, including a “concierge AI” tool, to see how emerging technologies can support its workforce.


Expect ‘AI versus AI’ cyber activity between US and adversaries, Pentagon official says

Researchers and officials say AI will usher in the next phase of cyber warfare, enabling new ways to carry out classic cyberattacks and build out new hacking tools.


Pentagon’s cyber red teams get clearer roles, governance

A document released by DOD’s chief information officer attempts to “address gaps in existing guidance” when it comes to the activities of the department’s cyber red teams.