Emerging Tech

How Sputnik Launched an Era of Technological Fragility

Sixty years after the historic achievement, a world without satellites seems difficult to imagine.


The White House's Cyber Tool Wish List

Acting Federal Chief Information Security Officer Grant Schneider pushed for tools that are easy to use but can share threat info in real time.

Digital Government

OMB Data Guru: If Your Manager Doesn’t Get Open Data, Take Them To A Hackathon

White House tech teams are going to more public tech events not only to network but also to demonstrate the value of open data projects.


Here's How New Yorkers Think Cybersecurity Should be Handled

The U.S. needs a cold-eyed view of what’s helping and hindering cyber defenders, a report says.

Digital Government

Trump's Tech Team Wants to ‘Wow’ Public

The Office of American Innovation isn't interested in tech for tech's sake. It's to make government more efficient.

Emerging Tech

The Complex Relationship Between Innovation and Economic Segregation

It’s not just the tech industry that’s responsible for America’s stratifying cities.

Digital Government

Why the American Technology Council Stands As Others Disband

The American Technology Council is comprised of government officials, not private-sector personnel

Emerging Tech

The Geography of Innovation

The suburbs generate more patents, but cities generate more unconventional innovations, a recent study finds.

Digital Government

Office of American Innovation Targets Federal Customer Service

“If we can just make individual people’s everyday lives 20 percent better, that would be a huge contribution,” White House adviser Chris Liddell said.

Digital Government

Be Boring When You Need To, Innovate When It Makes Sense, GSA CTO Says

“We have an incredible allergy toward failure,” said General Services Administration's top technologist.

Digital Government

White House Office of American Innovation Lays Out Priorities

Led by Jared Kushner, the collection of White House talent has been described as a “SWAT team of internal consultants” and a liaison between federal bureaucracies and Silicon Valley innovation.

Digital Government

Trump's Innovation Office In Close Touch With USDS

White House tech adviser Chris Liddell attends U.S. Digital Service meetings multiple times a week.

Digital Government

Office of American Innovation, OMB Seek 'Early Wins' for IT Modernization

The Jared Kushner-led innovation office meets regularly with Office of the Chief Information Officer on cyber and citizen matters.

Digital Government

GSA Reorganizes to Support White House Innovation Office

The agency's Technology Transformation Service will move under the Federal Acquisition Service.

Emerging Tech

What Went Wrong with DHS' Agile Contract?

The department wants to cancel its $1.54 billion agile software contracting vehicle.

Artificial Intelligence

How Apple Sees the Near Future

Siri is set to play a much larger role in the company’s products.

Digital Government

For Trump’s Budget to Work, the US Will Need the Biggest Technology Boom Since World War II

In order to deliver both massive tax cuts and end U.S. borrowing within the decade, Trump’s budget forecasts the U.S. economy will grow at a real rate of more than 3 percent