Emerging Tech

NIST Tries to Define ‘Internet of Things’

Technologists can’t really agree on what qualifies as part of that network of devices and sensors.

Emerging Tech

Why Federal Agencies Won’t Take Up the Internet of Things Anytime Soon

A new report suggests leadership vacuums and lack of an IoT strategy could hinder adoption.

Emerging Tech

White House Boosts Internet of Things with Wireless Research Program

The National Science Foundation research program could help reach greater connectivity.


Lawmakers Want to See If Dumbing Down Smart Grids Might Thwart Hackers

The idea behind the experiment with analog tech is to help identify -- and remove -- hidden vulnerabilities that could let in malware.


White House Cyber Commission May Endorse Security Ratings System for Software

Legendary Hacker "Mudge" expects to release results from security tests of 100,000 software programs as early as July.

Digital Government

Welcome to the Internet of Things: Your Toaster is Watching You

Get ready for home appliances that track your movements and know what you want before you do.


Thousands of Security Cameras in the US Can Easily Be Hacked

Many people never change the default passwords on their cameras or even go through the hassle of adding a password.


How These Two Security Companies Aim to Fight the Car-Hacking Threat

“A huge problem with vehicle security is that once a threat gets into one system, it’s very easy to move horizontally to all the others,” said Ami Dotan, CEO of Karamba Security.

Emerging Tech

Nextgov Ebook: Federal Agencies Adapt to the Internet of Things

The challenges are innumerable, including protecting the data the internet of things collects and thwarting cyberattacks on that ecosystem.

Digital Government

Report: Federal ‘Internet of Things’ Spending Up by 20 Percent

Agencies spent $8.8 billion on connected technology in the 2015 fiscal year, mostly on wireless devices and sensors.


This Is the Real Threat Posed By Hacked Medical Devices at VA

Most medical device manufacturers do not have the know-how or tools to patch vulnerabilities in devices quickly.


This Company is Poised to Dominate the Internet of Things Market

Most of the innovation on the so-called Internet of Things is locked up in patents held by the companies that make the innards of sensors and routers.


Things That Can Be Hacked

Note: Multiple definitions of “hack” may apply.

Emerging Tech

State Dept. Wants To Map All Wireless Devices Within a 10-Foot Zone

The system could detect Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and cellular devices operating in embassies, consulates and other State buildings.


How the Digital Transformation Will Upend the Pentagon

DOD is one of the most complex and widespread organizations in the world, but in today’s battlespace, embracing digitization helps pull together all aspects of defense.