
Upcoming Bill Would Lock Down Agencies' Internet-Connected Devices

But agency chief information officers could make exceptions, according to the legislation.

Emerging Tech

The Pentagon is Spending Big on RFID Tech

The military is spending millions on RFID to track supplies, vehicles and other shipments, and recently exercised a second option on a $102 million RFID contract.

Emerging Tech

Intel Community is Developing a More Spy-Proof Room

The intelligence community’s research arm is upgrading SCIF security to protect against threats from personal devices and sensors.


Want Safer Internet of Things? Change Government Buying Rules.

Federal agencies could shape the security of connected devices by using the Federal Acquisition Regulation.

Emerging Tech

Amazon Is Invading Your Home With Micro-Convenience

The company's new line of voice-automated products, including a wall clock and a microwave, could help it amass an enormous database of consumer behavior.


Lawmaker: If You Think Patching is Tough Now, It’s Going to Get Worse

Without security standards for the internet of things, the government is leaving open billions of “stupid” vulnerabilities, said Sen. Mark Warner.


DARPA Wants to Find Botnets Before They Attack

The defense agency awarded a contract to develop a tool that scours the internet for dormant online armies.


Will Edge Computing Be the Future of Government IT?

Edge computing can act as a bridge between legacy and modern government IT machines.


The U.S. Military Just Partially Banned Geolocatable Cellphones. That's a Start.

The consequences of internet-of-things insecurity on national security should now be clear.


Chinese Hackers Targeted Internet-of-Things During Trump-Putin Summit

A spike in attacks sought access to devices that might yield audio or visual intelligence.


Forward-Thinking Strategies Can Secure the Power Grid

Owners and operators of our power systems need better ways of knowing what assets they have in their production environments, which have computing capability, and which connect to the internet.

Artificial Intelligence

DHS Teams Up With Canadian Counterpart to Test First Responder Tech

Among the first technologies to be tested is an application that uses artificial intelligence to help paramedics make better decisions when treating patients.


FTC Suggests Considering Security Disclosure Rules for Connected-Device Makers

If the Consumer Product Safety Commission required IoT makers to outline their security protections, the Federal Trade Commission could go after false claims.

Artificial Intelligence

Report: Trust in Data, Computing Power Are Keys to Embracing Emerging Tech

Agencies should strengthen endpoints to handle new technologies like AI and extended reality, a report suggests.