Emerging Tech

The Free Market Won’t Fix Botnets, Government Report Says

The government should create incentives for good security in the internet of things.


Now It's Industry's Turn to Come Up with Botnet Fighting Ideas

A Commerce Department center is seeking partners to make internet-connected devices more secure.

Emerging Tech

How to Reduce Your Screen Time in 2018

If your New Year's resolution is to fight that tech addiction, here are some helpful tips.


2017 Was Marked by Continuity and Confusion in Cyber Policy

The Kaspersky ban, WannaCry and big changes at State Department topped the news cycle.

Emerging Tech

Virginia Beach Is Using an IoT-Enabled Sensor Network to Predict Flooding in Real Time

Local officials are hoping high-resolution, hydrodynamic models using fluid physics will improve preparedness and response in a low-lying region vulnerable to flooding.

Emerging Tech

Gadgets to Make Holiday Travel Easier

Travel will never be stress-free, but you can get close.


Think Twice About Buying Internet-Connected Devices Off eBay

Buying a second hand gadget can potentially expose the user to some pretty extreme scenarios.


How the 2017 Tech Predictions Stacked Up

Here are the predictions that came true—and one that didn't.

Artificial Intelligence

All the New Software Amazon Announced at Its Huge Developer Conference

Amazon is trying to make artificial intelligence services a cornerstone of its quickly-growing cloud business.

Emerging Tech

GAO: FCC Needs to Consider How Connected Toasters Could Clog the Spectrum

The internet of things could eat up spectrum, but the FCC isn’t doing enough to anticipate strains.


What Artificial Intelligence in Hands of Adversaries Means for Cyber Defense  

Governments and businesses need to prepare for the cyberattacks AI can make more effective.

Artificial Intelligence

A Fight Is Brewing Between Congress and the Military Over Cyber War

Should in-theater commanders be allowed to launch attacks that currently require approval from the national command authority?


Lawmakers to Agencies on FITARA: Get It Together

A House oversight committee pushed IT leaders to set more ambitious upgrade goals after its fifth assessment of federal agencies’ technology.

Digital Government

Only 23% of the World Has a Free and Open Internet

The U.S. does not have the world's most free internet, according to a independent watchdog group.


Shining a Light to Overcome the Internet of Thing’s Security Complexities

Because the IoT is relatively new, it brings unfamiliar complexities for federal IT professionals.