
When Can Your Tweet, Text or Calls Cost You Your Job?

Feds do not have a legally recognized expectation of privacy with respect to the government-owned equipment they use in and/or outside of the workplace.

Digital Government

The Risks of Sending Secret Messages in the White House

Communication apps with disappearing text could run afoul of presidential records laws—and might not be as secure as they seem.

Digital Government

Trump's Smartphone Habits Worried Lawmakers Before Mar-a-Lago

Lawmakers already had questions about the administration's security practices.


How Feds Can Use Encrypted Apps—Without Breaking the Law

The use of encryption technologies to communicate with peers is undoubtedly safer than using traditional communications, but there are caveats for federal employees.


Public Sector IT Trends for 2017

Not surprising, 2016 was a big year for cybersecurity at the state and federal level.


Government Spies Can See Everything You’re Doing With Your Phone on a Plane

If you like your privacy, don’t fly the friendly skies with your phone connected to in-flight networks.


Mobile Innovation Will Help 2 Billion More People Get Access to Health Care and Education

For low-income consumers in emerging markets, the full potential of mobile financial services is yet to be unlocked, a new report suggests.


Government’s Auditor Passes Own IT Audit

The Government Accountability Office is properly wiping its defunct electronics of sensitive data, an inspector general review finds.

Digital Government

Incessant Consumer Surveillance Is Leaking Into Physical Stores

Retail is on its way to a future of personalized everything—even prices.


OMB Policy Revamps Mobile Device Buying

The goal is to slash fragmentation and duplication of 1,200-plus mobile agreements and 200-plus service plans managed by the federal government.


6 Things the Public Sector Can Learn from Banking

To date, the public sector has not realized the same success in embracing many of the same digital solutions in which banks have become immersed. So why has the public sector been challenged in this progressive direction?


What Federal Government Can Learn from States in Going Digital

To speed delivery of citizen- and business-centric digital solutions, federal agencies can adopt best practices from states where online transaction-based services have been used successfully for more than two decades.


Is There an App for That?

User-centered design is a key success factor for implementation of mobile and digital technologies in government


CIO: FEMA To Pare Down Staff Devices

FEMA is also trying to ensure that staff can use the same devices both during emergencies and during quiet periods in between.


Survey: More People Want to Access Government Services on Their Smartphones

A new survey finds the majority of millennials want to access government services on their phones.