
DOD CIO: We Need to Consider Legal Issues Around Mobility

Access to new technology has infused organizations with tools that increase productivity. That’s great for employers, but not so much for mobile-device-wielding employees.


Pentagon Not Ready for Bring-Your-Own-Device Just Yet

DOD Chief Information Officer Terry Halvorsen said the initiative has been delayed as other business got in the way.


In the Future, We’ll All Use Our Phones to Identify Ourselves

The most successful mobile identity services highly depend on collaboration between public authorities, banks, telecom operators and the private sector.


Pentagon Moves Ahead with Plan Allowing Personnel to Access Classified Info from Mobile Devices

The new mobile classified capability is one piece of the Pentagon’s Joint Information Environment plan.


6 Reasons Your Agency Needs an App Store

Does your agency have an enterprise app store? If not, then consider these six benefits to adoption.


Who Has the Best App in Government?

An FDA app used by food investigators to enter data while performing field inspections won "Best Business Investment."

Digital Government

Watchdog Says Agencies Aren’t Tracking How Much They Spend on Smartphones

The federal government spends about $1.2 billion each year on circa 1.5 million mobile devices and services.


Agency CIOs Need to Be Aware of the Dangers of Consumer Tech

Agency CIOs must be cautious when procuring IT products developed for consumers.


Here Are the Agency Websites Google Doesn’t Think are Mobile Friendly

Bad news for some dot-govs: Google will now rank websites based on their mobile friendliness.


Why Some Agencies Need to Be More Smartphone-Friendly

About 40 percent of smartphone-toting Americans have used their devices to look up government and services.


Pentagon Personnel Now Talking on 'NSA-Proof' Smartphones

The Defense Department has rolled out supersecret smartphones for work and maybe play, made by anti-government-surveillance firm Silent Circle,


Using a Smartphone May Make You Smarter

Scientists have discovered at least one way in which the smartphone affects the brain positively.


What to Expect from Today's Apple Watch Event

It’s possible Apple could announce that a big number of apps—perhaps more than 1,000—will be available for launch.


Why the Mobile Industry Wants to Kill the Password

As data rather than voice or text becomes the big reason people use their mobile phones, networks want to extract more value from their users.


Wearables Bring New Sense of Fashion to Public Sector

There is a new generation of technology coming that will rock the boat in terms of how we live our lives and do our jobs within any industry – wearables.

Digital Government

This Is What the Republican Plan for Net Neutrality Looks Like

GOP lawmakers are desperately trying to find a compromise on Internet regulation—but Democrats are in no hurry.