
DHS: App Vetting Tools Are a Must-Have for Agencies, Despite Their Flaws 

There’s still no ideal way to integrate mobile security tools, but that shouldn’t stop agencies from using them, according to Homeland Security researchers.

Emerging Tech

The Unsettling Rise of the Urban Narc App

It’s getting easier for city residents to use technology that can report bad drivers who block bike lanes. Welcome to the self-surveillance era of traffic safety.

Artificial Intelligence

VA, IBM Unveil AI-Powered Mental Fitness App to Help Vets Transitioning to Civilian Life

Individuals interested in participating in a field test to assess the new platform can apply to do so online.


Phone Companies Make Pact with State Attorneys General to Combat Robocalls

As part of the agreement, 12 phone carriers pledged to implement call-blocking technology and to monitor their networks for illegal robocalls.

Digital Government

Your Brain Doesn't Recharge If You Use Your Phone on Break

Participants who took phone breaks experienced the highest levels of mental depletion.


New App from VA Streamlines Veterans’ Resources to Enhance Their Care

The ultimate goal is to eliminate the barriers vets face in retrieving the information they need most.

Digital Government

Do Our Electronic Devices Make It Tough to Grasp Science?

Researchers found the frequent e-device use was negatively correlated with activity in brain areas that are critical for integrating multiple sources of information.


New Tool Reveals Big Vulnerabilities In Mobile Apps That Use Multiple Clouds

The remote servers that power thousands of popular apps harbor a rats’ nest of vulnerabilities.


Better Collaboration Tools Need Better Security

Building new technology on a faulty foundation can be a recipe for disaster.


Chinese Propaganda Goes Tech-savvy to Reach a New Generation

Party propaganda has morphed from dry sermons to "indoctritainment."


Can Voting Online Via Phone Boost Turnout?

West Virginia became the first U.S. state to use mobile voting in a federal election.


FHFA Wants an App to Guide Employees During Emergencies

The housing finance agency aims to streamline its protocols into one intuitive smartphone app.


CISA Recommends Three-Pronged Approach for Mobile Security

Part of that is taking on the mindset of your potential attacker, an agency official said.


NASA’s Moon Plans Rely Heavily on Mobile Tech

CIO Renee Wynn weighed in on how America’s space agency embraces mobility.

Emerging Tech

DISA Wants to Vet Mobile App Security in a Day or Less

The agency is asking experts to submit ideas for an app development platform that would automatically check apps against the Pentagon’s numerous security standards.


Russian Hackers Build Fake Skype, Signal, Pornhub Apps to Lure Victims

Installing the apps activates malware that steals personal data and sends it off to St. Petersburg.

Emerging Tech

Ready or Not, Blockchain-Based Mobile Voting Is Getting Closer

Some voters in Provo and other Utah County cities will be able to cast ballots on a blockchain-powered mobile app in a pilot program for the August election.