Emerging Tech

Facebook Failed to Make Good on a Promise Because it Has Too Much Faith in Its Tech

Facebook's advertising business brings in the vast majority of the company’s billions of dollars in revenue every quarter.

Emerging Tech

GAO: FCC Needs to Consider How Connected Toasters Could Clog the Spectrum

The internet of things could eat up spectrum, but the FCC isn’t doing enough to anticipate strains.

Artificial Intelligence

Facebook is Using AI for Suicide Prevention

The social media company has changed its system for spotting users with potentially suicidal thoughts.


Continuing Resolution on Congress' Post-Holiday To-Do List

Congress moved along IT modernization and defense authorization bills but still faces funding the government.


Agencies a Step Closer to Open Data, Chief Data Officers

The OPEN Government Data Act, tucked inside the Foundations for Evidence-based Policymaking Act, passed the House.


Will Data-Driven Policy Change How IGs Operate?

Inspectors general should be evaluating how successful federal programs are, not just how compliant they are, according to a recent report.  

Digital Government

Agencies Continue to Struggle With Accurate Spending Reports, Underreporting by Billions

Months after they were required to make their financial data public, their reports are rife with errors.

Digital Government

Fate of Chief Data Officers Relies on Which Data Transparency Bill Passes

Two different versions of the OPEN Government Data Act are working their way through Congress.


Evidence-Based Policy Bill Would Require Chief Data Officers for All Agencies

A bipartisan bill pushes for more data to make decisions—and some new federal roles.


GAO Says Cybersecurity is Top Concern for 2020 Census

The Census Bureau has only tested four of 43 systems needed for the 2020 Census.