Digital Government

A Playbook for How Cities Should Share and Protect Data

A detailed guide from Harvard helps governments protect residents’ personal information in open-data initiatives.

Digital Government

Senate Passes OPEN Government Act

The bill would require agencies to make data available in a machine-readable format.

Digital Government

The Progress and Pitfalls of Government's Open Data Efforts

It’s one thing to put the data out there for the public to consume or to potentially spark new industries; it’s another to standardize those data sets.

Digital Government

How Publicly Posting Data Can Cut Through Red Tape

U.S. Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil said federal open data is in the beta stages.

Digital Government

CIA Can Anticipate Social Unrest ‘Three to Five Days’ Out in Some Cases

The agency's use of sophisticated algorithms and analytics have significantly improved its ability to predict events.

Digital Government

Medicine at Forefront of White House Open Data Initiatives

For at least two projects, the impetus is personal as well as technological.

Digital Government

How the 'Data Cabinet' Could Break Down Project Barriers

Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil wants to connect government data professionals so they can help other agencies.

Digital Government

Can Twitter Fit Inside the Library of Congress?

Six years ago, the world’s biggest library decided to archive every single tweet. Turns out that’s pretty hard to do.

Digital Government

Commerce Data Guru Announces Departure

In a post on Medium on Thursday evening, Tyrone Grandison, Commerce’s deputy chief data officer, announced his planned exit nearly exactly a year after he joined the agency.

Digital Government

You’ve Heard of the DATA Act. Now, Get Ready for the EDIT Act.

The Establishing Digital Interactive Transparency Act would require congressional bills posted online to include a “track changes-style system”showing all the tweaks made to legislation as it makes its way through Congress.


Farenthold: Cyber Will Be Next Administration's Greatest Challenge

Reports of self-radicalized terrorists could force lawmakers to draw boundaries for what citizens can consume on the internet.

Digital Government

Treasury Finalizes Guide to DATA Act Standards

The DATA Act requires federal agencies to publish their spending data.

Digital Government

Are Agencies Drowning in Data Mandates?

There's the DATA Act, the OPEN Government Act and others. Can agencies keep up?

Digital Government

White House Wants Techies to Delve Into Police Data

The program intends to make police data more transparent to the public.

Digital Government

Despite ‘Agile’ Approach, Agencies Might Not Meet DATA Act Deadline

It’s been almost two years since Congress passed legislation requiring agencies to standardize spending data.