Emerging Tech

Siemens Is Building a Swarm of Robot Spiders to 3-D Print Objects Together

Current technology won’t allow us to make anything larger than the printing machines themselves. That could soon change.

Emerging Tech

These Robots Act Differently When You're Around

The machines of the future will tailor their behavior to humans—and even individual personalities.

Emerging Tech

Actually, We Should Teach Robots to Disobey Humans.

Should you always do what other people tell you to do? Clearly not.

Digital Government

Navy Christens First Robot Ghost Ship

Autonomous vessels like this submarine hunter will play a growing role in future naval missions and will soon crowd the seas.

Emerging Tech

MIT Scientists Create Hydraulic Robot from Single 3-D Print

The robots are made up of solid and liquid parts, which could have big implications on how we design robots to interact with humans in the future.

Emerging Tech

Why the Future Needs Huggable Robots

The distance between people and machines—the fact that robots aren’t more snuggly—poses a real problem for the future of robotics.


Video: Want to Recycle Your iPhone? This Robot Will Do it For You

Apple hopes its newest employee can have a positive impact on the environment.

Artificial Intelligence

What Exactly is a Robot?

This has become an increasingly difficult question to answer, yet it’s a crucial one.

Digital Government

Workers in These Countries Believe AI and Robots Will Replace Them

Chinese workers have seen the future, and it involves artificial intelligence

Digital Government

A Brief History of Robot Law

A new paper looks at how courts have handled a few notable conflicts between man and machine.

Artificial Intelligence

Slack Is Working on Manager Bots That Will Automatically Check up on Employees

In the future, you won’t be bugged by your manager over Slack for status updates on your work. Slack itself will be bugging you.

Artificial Intelligence

Can You Trust a Robot?

People think machines are taking everyone’s jobs. Except their own.

Emerging Tech

Why Commerce Wants Robots to Fix Themselves

NIST wants to create a standard test by which manufacturers can evaluate robots’ agility before deploying them in the factory.

Emerging Tech

Here’s Why Robots Might Not Be Taking Government Jobs Any Time Soon

We still don’t understand the full psychological impact of working with robots, a new analysis concludes.

Digital Government

The Military’s Superfast Bird Drone

The Defense Department’s mad scientists show how to make superfast, light-weight drones.

Artificial Intelligence

The Army Has Made a Robot Cockroach

Biologically inspired robot bugs could be the next big thing in intelligence collection.

Artificial Intelligence

Should We Fear an AI Arms Race?

Five reasons the benefits of defense-related artificial intelligence research outweigh the risks—for now.