Digital Government

This Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Robot Arm Lets You Actually Feel What it Touches

The robotic arm is connected by wires that link up to the wearer’s motor cortex and sensory cortex.

Emerging Tech

Robots Are Learning How to Build Better Clones of Themselves

Scientists at the University of Cambridge have created robotic natural selection.

Artificial Intelligence

Humans, Not Robots, Are the Real Reason Artificial Intelligence Is Scary

Intelligent weapons are too easily converted by software engineers into indiscriminate killing machines.

Emerging Tech

Video: Take a Stroll Along the Pacific Ocean Floor With a Robot

NOAA gives a peek at the Okeanos Explorer ship’s mission to 2,100 meters below sea level.

Emerging Tech

Why This Team Is Teaching Robots to Play Jazz

This is the future that researchers, funded by DARPA, are hoping to produce.

Emerging Tech

The Robots Taking Your Job Could Get You Killed

Automating processes at chemical and pharmaceutical plants could save money, but at what cost to safety?

Digital Government

Why Aren't There Nanobot Doctors Yet?

Scientists have long said that tiny robots would soon be able to conduct surgery and deliver drugs deep inside the body. Here’s why they’re still not a reality.

Emerging Tech

Here's What Its Like to Pilot a Giant Fighting Robot

MegaBots was founded by three engineers who didn’t want to use their skills to go work for another large tech firm in the valley.

Digital Government

Video: This Organization Wants to Stop Killer Robots

Fifty NGOs have banded together to create a campaign to encourage governments to act now to prevent dangerous autonomous machines in the future.

Emerging Tech

The First Small Step on Mars Won’t Be Made by Humans, But by Robots

The U.S. space agency wants to use its R5 Valkyrie robot to explore the surface of Mars.

Emerging Tech

Robots in Japan Now Have Emotions

Pepper, the “emotional robot,” sold out within a minute of going on sale.

Emerging Tech

NASA Now Has a Humanoid Robot Working Aboard the International Space Station

Astronauts are testing to see if it could be used to perform medical tasks in space, guided by doctors’ hands on Earth.

Emerging Tech

DARPA Wraps Up Robotics Challenge But Don’t Expect C-3PO Any Time Soon

The Pentagon's research agency was looking for robots that could eventually help in humanitarian crises.

Emerging Tech

This Robot Bat Drone Is the Stuff of Nightmares

It’s the drone the world deserves, but not the one it needs right now.