Digital Government

Moms Do More Parenting When Working from Home

When only one parent worked remotely and the other worked out of the home, the gender disparity in domestic labor was far more evident.

Digital Government

OPM Appointments Mark a Radical Shift in Agency's Role

The hiring of high-level executives from organized labor marks a return to federal employee unions having a seat at the table in the formulation of federal personnel policy.

Digital Government

Biden Infrastructure Plan Includes Billions for Federal Buildings and Research

The American Jobs Plan proposes spending a small chunk of the $2 trillion on improving federal office buildings and hospitals.


Getting and Growing the Cyber Workforce You Need for 2021—and Beyond

It’s no secret that the competition for cyber talent is stiff. With a 0% unemployment rate and nearly 400K open positions across the U.S., federal agencies must reinvent their cyber employee experience. 

Digital Government

VA Rolls Back Trump-era Workforce Policies

The Veterans Affairs Department is restoring its previous contract with AFGE, which allows access to official time and union office space in department facilities.


Lessons From 30 Years of Government Reform Efforts

There’s much that newcomers to government should learn from the past.

Digital Government

Which Federal Agencies Are Giving Their Contractors Access to COVID-19 Vaccines?

Agencies are taking different approaches to inoculating their contract employees, even though—as one trade association executive put it—“The virus doesn’t care whether someone is wearing a blue government badge or green contractor badge.” 

Artificial Intelligence

Survey: Pandemic Accelerating AI Adoption

Multiple drivers are pushing federal agencies and industry toward AI technologies.


Deputy Federal CIO on Fate of Trump-era IT Policies

The Office of American Innovation, Cloud Smart and the Federal Reskilling Academy are some of Trump-era tech policies left behind. Now the Biden team must decide what to do with them. 


How DISA Is Shifting to DEOS Cloud Tools as Interim Telework Solutions Sunset

DISA’s program director for the enterprisewide collaboration tools contract said the agency is creating a guide for other components to ease migration, including navigating security levels.

Digital Government

'Microbreaks' Keep You More Engaged on Tough Work Days

Microbreaks could be having a snack, chatting with a colleague, stretching or working on a crossword puzzle.


Do You See Yourself in the Room?

This moment in time presents a unique opportunity for the government to embrace representative innovation.

Digital Government

Study: OPM-GSA Merger Proposal Would Not Have Solved Problems It Aimed to Fix

A team of analysts has recommended elevating OPM's role in human capital management and making it less involved in “transaction-by-transaction compliance” activities.


Key Official: Defense Information Operations ‘Not Evolving Fast Enough’

China will soon harness AI to supplant Russia as the world leader in information warfare, a DIA leader said.

Digital Government

GAO: Agencies Need to Plan Better, Pay More and Deal with Harassment and Diversity Issues Among Tech Workforce

A new report and testimony from the Government Accountability Office re-ups past work to identify problems hiring and retaining a skilled federal science and technology workforce.

Digital Government

The Hours Americans Reclaimed by Sitting Less in Traffic

As the pandemic cut the amount of commuters and other motorists on the road last year, drivers nationwide saved over 3 billion hours compared to 2019, according to new estimates.