Digital Government

Army Wants Data Analytics to Spot ‘Emerging Tech Leaders’

The Army plans to issue a call later this month through its Small Business Innovation Research program.

Artificial Intelligence

NASA, FAA Make Moves to Offer Some Staff App-Based Personalized, Professional Coaching 

The agencies are set to tap into BetterUp’s mobile platform, which uses AI algorithms to match employees with the right coaches for their needs.

Digital Government

Coronavirus Cases Are Spiking at Federal Agencies

More than 100,000 federal personnel have now tested positive for COVID-19, with some agencies experiencing acute upticks.

Digital Government

Rolling Back Trump Workforce Policies Won’t Be As Simple As Rescinding Executive Orders

President-elect Biden has vowed to rescind on his first day a series of Trump-era directives aimed at weakening federal labor unions and politicizing the civil service, but repairing the damage could take much longer.

Digital Government

Analysts See ‘First Glimmers of Sustained Growth’ in Under-30 Federal IT Workforce

After a decade of declining ratios of younger-to-older federal technology employees, analysts see the start of a turnaround.


OMB Confirms Appointment of Controversial New Federal CISO

Camilo Sandoval, a former acting CIO for the Veterans Affairs Department, was the director of the Trump campaign’s data operations in 2016.


How Government Agencies Can Use Tech to Safely Get Back to Their Workplaces

Now is the time to prioritize collaboration between the IT, physical security and human resources teams.

Digital Government

What the Results in Key Congressional Races Mean for Federal Employees

A look at the 117th Congress and the results of the races that will most impact federal workers.


Why Tech Needs Women Leaders and How to Get Them

Mixed leadership teams perform better simply because they can solve problems more quickly and more creatively than less diverse teams.


DHS, NSA Award Millions to Universities for Cybersecurity Workforce Development Plans

Agencies tasked with implementing a 2017 executive order envision a national network of technical institutes. 

Digital Government

House Democrats Urge OPM to Halt Implementation of Order Politicizing Civil Service

House Oversight and Reform Committee leaders want to investigate the development and analysis of the effort to strip wide swaths of the federal workforce of civil service protections.


The Future of Work Post-Pandemic: We’re Not Going Back

Suddenly, the conversation about telework has shifted from “do we have the right technologies in place?” to “do we have the right people policies and training in place?”

Digital Government

Union Sues and Democrats Introduce Bill to Block Trump Order Politicizing Civil Service

As opponents of the president’s effort to convert chunks of the federal workforce into at-will employees kick off their efforts to stop the initiative, the administration has signaled that agencies can push forward ahead of schedule.


Army G-6 Leader Outlines Priorities After Split from CIO

Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. John B. Morrison Jr. aims to use innovative hiring strategies to lure technical talent to his office.

Emerging Tech

Lawmaker Proposes Federal Institute of Technology and New Contracting Set-Aside

The 21st Century Jobs Package would create a federal agency for training the workforce of the future and incentivize federal contracting officials to buy from vendors who hire rural American workers.

Digital Government

Agencies to Have Wide Latitude In Deciding Which Jobs to Strip of Civil Service Protections

OPM issued initial instructions Friday for implementing a Trump executive order that allows federal policy-making positions to be converted from career jobs to at-will appointments.

Digital Government

Governance Experts Assail White House Effort to Strip Federal Employees of Rights

Good government groups, unions and lawmakers were nearly unanimous in their scorching criticism of an executive order that could strip protections for hundreds of thousands and politicize the federal workforce.