Digital Government

Pentagon Seeks Input from Workforce on Improving Diversity

The request is part of Defense Secretary Mark Esper’s overhaul of personnel practices.


Jerks Don't Actually Get Ahead at Work

That’s not to say that jerks don’t reach positions of power.

Digital Government

The Government Is Failing to Notify Employees of COVID Cases in Their Buildings or Ensure Cleaning, IG Says

The approach is "threatening the health and safety of federal workers, contractors, building occupants and the public," lawmaker said.

Digital Government

‘Invest in Yourself,’ Female Federal CISOs Tell Women Seeking Cyber Jobs

Three female federal chief information security officers discussed how women can advance their careers in the cybersecurity field at a Wednesday webinar.


Local Governments Have Embraced New Technology to Weather the Pandemic, Survey Finds

More than 95% of state and local leaders who responded to the poll said their agencies used software to maintain service levels as employees began working largely from home.

Digital Government

Federal Agencies Must Boost the Brand in Order to Attract Tech Talent, Report Says

Two of the top reasons the federal government struggles to attract talented tech workers are lack of awareness and a lengthy hiring process, according to a new report.


The Tech Field Failed a 25-Year Challenge to Achieve Gender Equality by 2020 – Culture Change Is Key to Getting on Track

Culture change is a marathon, not a sprint, requiring constant vigilance, many small decisions, and often changes in who holds power.

Digital Government

GAO: Federal Agencies Lag in Retaining Veteran Employees

Between fiscal 2014 and 2018, nearly 7% of veterans left federal service, compared with only 5% of non-veterans, the watchdog agency found.

Artificial Intelligence

Congressional AI Resolution Coming Soon, Lawmakers Say

Reps. Will Hurd and Robin Kelly plan to introduce an AI resolution celebrating past innovations and laying the groundwork for future legislation.


The Pandemic May Push the Federal Workforce to Face Fears About Reskilling 

Officials point to how modernization can create opportunities, as angst about job loss swirls.

Digital Government

Survey: Most Feds Who Have Been Working From Home During the Pandemic Are Afraid to Return to Their Offices

Nearly 80% of teleworking respondents to a new survey from AFGE said they don’t feel safe going back to their traditional worksite.


The President’s Cup Cybersecurity Competition Is Underway

The competition is open to any federal employee, including the Department of Defense and uniformed service members.


For Election Administrators, Death Threats Have Become Part of the Job

In a polarized society, the bureaucrats who operate the machinery of democracy are taking flak from all sides. More than 20 have resigned or retired since March 1, thinning their ranks at a time when they are most needed.


The Case to Increase Workforce Training for Artificial Intelligence

The need for federal workforce upskilling has never been clearer.


Data Democracy in the Data Age

The next decade will usher us into a true Data Age where data can be used by anybody and influences all aspects of our world. 


Diversity Pledges Alone Won't Change Corporate Workplaces – Here's What Will

The problem is not a lack of commitment but what social scientists call “unconscious bias.”

Artificial Intelligence

How Agencies Can Tackle Tech Talent Gaps

Strong brands and room for risk might pay off where government salaries don’t, federal officials said.