Digital Government

Bipartisan Senate Group Urges Hazard Pay for Feds

Nineteen senators encourage authorization of a 25% pay increase for frontline federal workers during the coronavirus pandemic, along with more guidance enhancing telework, leave and other protections for employees.


Preparing for the New Normal

We’ve figured out how to use technology to help conduct business without needing to be face to face, and in many ways it’s a lot more efficient.

Digital Government

People with Anxiety Trust Others a Little Too Much

People who are anxious, the study concludes, continue to trust and invest in people who display increasingly untrustworthy behavior.

Digital Government

CFPB Seeks Health Guidance for Bringing Employees Back to Offices

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is looking for advice on health protocols, personal protective equipment, and general guidance for a workforce “re-entry” plan.

Artificial Intelligence

Pentagon Wants AI to Predict Behavioral Changes in Troops

The Defense Department wants artificial intelligence that can tell when shifts in behavior could have “unwanted negative outcomes” for troops, their units and their missions.

Artificial Intelligence

Sammie Finalists Highlight Outstanding Accomplishments of Federal Employees

Dr. Anthony Fauci is one of 27 career civil servants recognized in the Partnership for Public Service’s prestigious annual awards program.

Digital Government

What Feds Teleworking During the Pandemic Need to Know About Complying With the Hatch Act

Special counsel releases guidance on what counts as “on duty” while working from home, and what not to do during video conferences.


To Safely Reopen, Make the Workweek Shorter. Then Keep It Shorter.

This crisis is the ideal time to make radical changes to how we work in America.

Digital Government

More Than 10,000 Federal Employees Have Contracted COVID-19

The number of positive cases in the federal workforce has more than quadrupled since early April.

Digital Government

Federal Employee Union Proposes Preconditions to Returning to Government Work Sites

The American Federation of Government Employees last week called the Trump administration’s recently unveiled plans for “reopening” the federal government “premature and imprudent.”

Digital Government

OPM Issues Guidance on Additional Paid Sick Leave for Feds During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The federal government’s human resources agency confirmed this week that most federal workers are eligible to take up to two additional weeks of paid sick leave this year related to COVID-19.

Digital Government

Agencies Remind Employees to Remain Ethical During Pandemic

Think twice before accepting a gift from a grateful citizen or using your work computer for personal activities, agencies say.


New Government Technology Could Herald Our New Normal

Perhaps we can get back to something akin to normal but in a safer way.

Artificial Intelligence

Army Wants to Study How Humans Team With AI—And Vice Versa

A new contract will focus on the teaming aspect of artificial intelligence in warfare by analyzing how humans and machines think when working together.

Digital Government

States Start Hiring Battalions of Contact Tracers to Track Covid-19

As governors look to loosen coronavirus restrictions, a key benchmark will be improving the ability to track and isolate new cases. That will include more “contact tracers,” investigators who track down those who’ve come in contact with infected people.