Emerging Tech

NavalX Innovation Office Really Wants the Navy to Be More Agile

The office is expanding to more cities and publishing iterative playbooks that are as agile as the gospel they preach.

Digital Government

OMB Official: Issues Placing Reskilling Grads Highlight Need to Rethink Payscale

More steps are necessary before the administration's plan to reskill employees truly addresses workforce gaps.

Emerging Tech

Air Force CXO: We Don’t Have to Delight the User

Colt Whittall, the Air Force’s first chief experience officer, talks with Nextgov about the new role and what it will take to provide a better user experience for airmen.

Digital Government

'Power Poses' Are Bunk, But Maybe Don't Slouch?

Striking power poses won’t boost your confidence or make you feel more powerful, a review of past studies indicates.


Why I Changed My Mind about Federal User Cyber Training

Layer on all the protective systems you want—at the end of the day, the user still has to make a good decision.

Digital Government

Your Pay and Work Schedule Affect Your Health

Elements of your job—including your pay, hours, schedule flexibility, and job security—influence your overall health as well as your risk of being injured on the job, according to new research.

Digital Government

How We Can Avoid Escalating Arguments

When we escalate arguments by lashing out, it’s more often rooted in our impulsive gut reactions rather than strategy, according to new research.


Looking Beyond the Technical to Fill America's Cyber Workforce Gap

Think of nontechnical skills as skills that are useful in every possible job like critical thinking, listening to others, and initiative.

Digital Government

Study: Shutdown Did Lasting Damage to Federal Recruitment, Retention and Morale

While recovering from the most recent lapse in appropriations, some are fearful there will be another.

Emerging Tech

Digital Natives Have Military Officials Rethinking Health Care Training

Defense and military officials must revamp instruction to meet today’s needs and the expectations of a next-generation workforce.


DHS Needs a Better Grasp of Its Cyber Workforce, Watchdog Says

The agency doesn’t fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of its cyber personnel, and it’s more than two years behind on developing a workforce planning strategy, the inspector general found.

Digital Government

Senate Sends Trump Seven-Week Spending Bill to Avoid Shutdown

The president is expected to sign the stopgap measure and avoid an appropriations lapse, but a funding fight still looms.

Digital Government

How to Recruit the Next Generation of Feds: Better Pay, Benefits

Young people are increasingly looking for work-life balance measures like paid family leave and telework, stakeholders and experts said Wednesday.

Digital Government

To Cope With Stress, Change How you Think About It

We tend to think of stress as a bad thing that affects our health and well-being. But is that always the case?

Digital Government

High Impact Agencies Release Customer Experience Action Plans

More than two dozen high impact service provider agencies shared their current and future investments.