
Three Steps Governments Can Take to Guard Against Ransomware Attacks

A federal cybersecurity agency and state government associations issued guidance Monday on protecting city, county and state governments from the growing threat of a ransomware attack.

Emerging Tech

The Hidden Challenges in Police Use of Facial Recognition Technology

The Orlando Police Department ended its pilot program involving facial recognition technology this month, saying the agency was unable to devote the necessary resources to the program.


How Federal Agencies Can Maximize Productivity—and Save Billions

Automation isn't the stuff of fantasy but agencies should take note of best practices to make sure their projects are successful.

Emerging Tech

How HHS Got Workforce Buy-In for Its Blockchain Pilot

The department turned to human-centric design for a proof of concept that automated logs for the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program.

Artificial Intelligence

Agencies Need Tech-Savvy Feds to Address AI Challenges

Algorithmic bias, security and explainability are among the top issues the government must address as it hands over more responsibility to AI, according to a recent report.

Emerging Tech

How Facial Recognition is Changing CBP Operations

The tech is freeing up Customs and Border Protection employees—once they learned to trust it.

Digital Government

Senator Says He Has Trump and McConnell's Support for Bill to End Shutdowns Permanently

Momentum grows for bipartisan bill to prevent lawmakers from leaving D.C. until they pass spending bills.

Digital Government

Labor Awards $11 Million to Help States Leverage Data to Bolster Their Workforce

The department aims to improve the effectiveness of its workforce and the data systems that inform it.


How Agriculture Plans to Boost Its IT Workforce

The department plans to reskill employees for a data-heavy future and create a CIO development program.

Digital Government

OPM Cuts Security Clearance Backlog in Half, But Processing Delays Spell Trouble for Pentagon

The National Background Investigations Bureau is barreling through the backlog of clearance applications as the Defense Department prepares to take over the function in October.


How You Can Help Your Agency Put AI to Work Today

AI technology will significantly revolutionize how work is done in the federal workspace and allow us to “scale” human action to critical thinking tasks.

Digital Government

Everyone Dreads Shutdowns, So Why Do They Keep Happening?

The Antideficiency Act is supposed to clarify what happens when Congress fails to pass a budget. But it hasn’t worked out that way.

Digital Government

Survey: Five in Six HHS Employees May Consider Leaving if Telework is Restricted

Department has stripped telework provisions from its union contract, and is expected to require employees to commute at least four days per week.


Closing the Cybersecurity Poverty Gap 

Far too many government entities simply lack the resources and expertise needed to keep pace with the velocity of cybersecurity threats.

Artificial Intelligence

The Pentagon Releases Its 5-Year Digital Modernization Strategy 

Officials outlined plans to drive innovation, streamline IT acquisitions and build a more agile and resilient cyber posture.


Mr. FedRAMP is Leaving Government

Matt Goodrich is headed to the private sector after a decade in civil service.


Federal Agencies Stand to Gain From a Vocational Approach to Cybersecurity Education

We need to steer students away from assuming they need a four-year degree and toward the option of cybersecurity taught as a vocation.

Digital Government

Lawmaker Calls for Outside Investigation of Secret Border Patrol Facebook Group

The Homeland Security Department has condemned derogatory comments posted within the group and promised a review of its own.