Digital Government

Work-Life Balance Is an Unhealthy Myth

Thinking we can have it all in perfect doses is itself harmful.

Digital Government

Automated Government

Federal agencies are ditching busy work to focus on missions.

Digital Government

A New Kind of Labor Movement in Silicon Valley

Employees at Google and elsewhere are protesting their bosses’ business decisions. Will that evolve into a more sustained labor movement?

Digital Government

Lawmakers Bash the President’s Federal Pay Freeze Plan

Plus a familiar face gets confirmed as the Energy Department’s first assistant secretary for cybersecurity.

Emerging Tech

The Online Gig Economy’s ‘Race to the Bottom’

When the whole world is fighting for the same jobs, what happens to workers?


Understanding and Attracting the Next-Generation Navy Sailor

If the Navy ensures sailors are challenged and excited by the technologies they’re using, these individuals might opt to stay in the service longer.

Digital Government

Big Tech's Newest Experiment in Criminal-Justice Reform

Unicorn startup Slack is launching an apprenticeship program for formerly incarcerated people. But will the industry ever hire from the inside en masse?


Lawmaker: Don’t Let “Rudderless Leadership” Cripple VA Health Record Overhaul

The program’s chief administrator resigned less than two months after taking charge of the project. Another top official left her post days earlier.

Digital Government

A Simple Tweak to Google Search Now Helps Veterans to Find Jobs

Only about half of all veterans in the U.S. participate in the workforce at all.

Digital Government

A Good Keyboard Is the Ultimate Workplace Luxury

It's the item you interact with more than anything else in your workplace.


Cyber Firm Defends DNC Hacking Alert That Turned Out to be a False Alarm

Fast responses to cyber threats and perfect accuracy don’t always go hand in hand, a cyber pro who worked on the alleged DNC hacking attempt says.

Digital Government

Apple, IBM, and Google Don’t Care Anymore if You Went to College

Companies will hire the candidates whose experience and skills best suit them for the job.