Digital Government

How to Be Assertive—Even When You’re Constantly Talked Over

Here are techniques for speaking up, pushing back, and getting your voice heard more often.


How A Human Resources System Could Revolutionize the Army

Army program managers took a mandate to upgrade the service’s payment systems and turned it into a way to unearth soldiers’ hidden talents.

Digital Government

Senate Approves Spending Package with Pay Raise, Setting Up Fight With House

Trump told Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday a government shutdown would be "a great campaign issue," further complicating the prospects for a spending bill.


Here's a Non-Binary Approach to Smarter Cybersecurity

Moving beyond an "allow or deny" choice could reduce friction between agency security pros and their end users.

Digital Government

Even Tech Workers Think They’re Underpaid

This is in an industry where interns can make over $50 an hour.

Digital Government

House Democrats Introduce Legislation to Protect Telework at Agencies

Bill would prohibit policies to reduce telework like those announced for Education and Agriculture departments.


White House Seeks Input on Reskilling Feds and Upgrading Agency Services

As part of its government reorganization, the administration wants advice on how to establish the tech-focused GEAR Center.

Digital Government

Are Universities Training Socially Minded Programmers?

Four Stanford engineers started a club for students interested in using their skills for social-good. But then came job-recruiting season.

Digital Government

Acquisition Professionals Place Little Importance on Innovation, Survey Finds

Respondents found some recurring challenges were offset by an improvement in acquisition talent.

Digital Government

Here’s Proof That H-1B Workers Make American Companies More Innovative

These immigrants play a key role in addressing the U.S.’s acute skills-crunch.


Bill to Block Feds' Personal Email, Social Media Access Advances

The bill would authorize agency leaders to block any website for cybersecurity reasons without negotiating with unions.

Digital Government

Microsoft Is Putting Slack On Notice

The company's new product appears positioned to directly compete with Slack’s free offering.