Artificial Intelligence

The Unbearable Awkwardness of Automation

The machine age is changing the nature of work. In the process, it is also transforming buildings, and making them less hospitable for human use.

Digital Government

New Collective Bargaining Rules Won't Hurt Telework, OPM Says

A recent executive order is intended to speed up the collective bargaining negotiation process, but won’t impact existing governmentwide policies encouraging telework, officials said.

Digital Government

The Most Honest Out-of-Office Message

What if you deleted all your emails during vacation and never looked back?

Digital Government

Inventive Tips for Separating Your Job From Your Life When You Work From Home

It's important to kickstart productivity when the work day begins, and to unplug when the day is done.

Digital Government

OPM Information Request Sheds Light on Planned Employee Digital Record

Agency will host an event with industry leaders to discuss implementation of the management agenda priority item.


IRS Plans to Hire 1,700, Upgrade Outdated Technology

In a new strategic plan, the agency projects a 17 percent increase in phone calls as it implements the new tax law.


Government Report IDs the Need For Speed in Cyber Hiring

The report from the Commerce and Homeland Security departments also urges more investment in cyber education and training.

Digital Government

The Creator of WordPress Shares His Secret to Running the Ultimate Remote Workplace

A critical part of making the employees of a distributed company work effectively on their own is occasionally bringing them together.


The U.S. Is Altering its Visa Policies to Stem China’s Advancement in STEM

The State Department is preparing to shorten the length of the visas it issues to Chinese nationals.