Digital Government

ID management without the Big Brother baggage

The government has been trying for years to balance privacy, convenience and security for agencies' online customers. Can the latest efforts finally get traction?


Study backs IoT/DDoS concerns

A new study from one of the companies that battled a huge internet device-based attack underscores the need for stronger internet-of-things security.


NIST's new take on IoT security

NIST's new guidance on security for the internet of things is not prescriptive like FIPS but instead offers a foundation for engineering security into connected devices.


White House probes centralized cyber capabilities

The White House is exploring a centralized method of providing IT and cybersecurity capabilities to agencies for the next administration.


Commerce secretary urges bold action on cybersecurity

Citing "a chronic shortage both in quantity and quality of cybersecurity personnel," Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker calls on cyber commission to focus on workforce development, IT modernization and shared services.


Why contract language matters with cloud

GSA's FedRAMP is a good starting point for cloud security, but experts say agencies must fine-tune their arrangements with vendors by using service-level agreements.


Are NIST's privacy controls out of date?

Federal chief privacy officers are charged with ensuring that agencies store data legally and safely, but some are concerned that their policy guidelines are outmoded.

Cybersecurity takes wing

Steve Kelman contends that a recent report on agencies' prize challenges tells only half the success story.


NIST takes a stab at defining IoT

A new NIST model helps developers better understand the Internet of Things and its security challenges by breaking down the IoT into manageable building blocks.


Two years after Heartbleed, an improved OpenSSL aims for government approval

A much-improved version of the cryptographic building block lacks FIPS 140-2 validation, but SafeLogic is stepping in to change that.

Digital Government

BYOD is evolving for a cyber-conscious age

Bring-your-own device policies were envisioned as a way to save money during a time of budget cuts, but policies are pivoting as government gets increasingly security conscious.

Digital Government

NIST database goes ballistic

The National Institute of Standards and Technology has rolled out a new forensics database that gives law enforcement detailed, three-dimensional profiles of a vast sea of bullet ballistic data to help crack cases.


Why should feds care about blockchain?

Federal standards setters can't predict how blockchain might serve government ends, but secure voting, health records and identity management are possible applications.


Naval Research Lab wants cyber risk help

The Naval Research Laboratory has plenty of IT systems that need certifying for cyber risk.

Digital Government

Britain takes digital ID out of beta as U.S. lags

The United Kingdom will go live with its governmentwide digital identity platform, GOV.UK Verify, in the coming days. The U.S. government will need a little more time.


NIST looks to transform federal authentication

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is planning "transformational" changes to its technical guidelines for digital authentication.


AT&T's Chris Boyer to chair NIST privacy board

Chris Boyer of AT&T will take over leadership of NIST's Information Security and Privacy Advisory board from Google's Peter Weinberger.


NIST looks to reengineer thinking about cyber

NIST is set to release an overhauled systems security engineering document it hopes will spur construction of better cybersecurity systems from the start.


Obama’s cyber commission looks to next administration and beyond

The group's recommendations should be a "down payment for the next administration," Lisa Monaco, Obama's top counterterrorism adviser, told the inaugural meeting of the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity.


NIST pledges 'global acceptability' in crypto standards

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is trying to reassert its credibility as a trusted technical agency when it comes to cryptographic standards, almost three years after Edward Snowden's disclosures.