
NIST seeks CDM trial

The National Institute of Standards and Technology's goal is a robust, real-time continuous monitoring program.


NIST can help you measure the cloud

The "Cloud Computing Service Metrics Description" proposes objective standards for gauging the success of cloud services.


Simple advice for tackling the complexities of cloud

Experts from agencies and the private sector talk customers, capabilities and the unexpected crosscurrents of cloud technology.


Cloudy with a chance of murky

Federal cloud managers say agencies must think in broad strokes without losing sight of the details and must relinquish tasks but not control.


Many agencies to miss IPv6 deadline

Two presidents have pushed agencies to adopt the next-generation internet protocol, but four years later progress is still slow.


NIST could move to Drupal

Another proprietary system could be destined for the dustbin as NIST considers a move to an open-source option.


State's cloud doesn't measure up to NIST standards, IG finds

Audit finds weaknesses that keep the State Department's cloud-computing efforts from meeting NIST's guidelines.


NIST's new cyber center ready for public-private insight

A collaborative new effort will work to develop cybersecurity solutions and spur job creation.


Can new mobile government plans overcome old problems?

Federal agencies are rolling out a host of mobile strategies, but will it be enough to overcome decades-old challenges?


Top NIST workers to receive modest bonuses

Changes to personnel management system removes minimum bonus requirement.


Lynn McNulty: The grandfather of federal cybersecurity

Lynn McNulty emphasized security not as a constraint but as an e-government enabler.


NIST guide aims to explain cloud in plain language

New document details risk management and other security issues related to cloud computing.


10 ways to secure the IT supply chain

NIST's streamlined guidance on risk management focuses on a set of key recommendations for ensuring the security and reliability of information and communications systems.


NIST tests accuracy in iris recognition for identification

Report quantifies accuracy, speed in iris-recognition algorithms.


Cybersecurity reboot: Two game-changing ideas

Some say making IT systems a moving target to hackers and centralizing cybersecurity policy will turn around current flawed approaches.


Cloud computing's next step

Agencies and vendors need common definitions, performance metrics and security controls, say panelists at the FOSE 2012 conference.