
Choosing a mobile development strategy for your agency

Here are some of the pros and cons of native vs. Web-based apps.


Introverted? Then NSA wants you.

The spy agency likes employees who keep to themselves, says its senior civilian leader.


In the intelligence community, a cosmic shift

With budget pressures bearing down and a workforce demanding mobile technology, intelligence agencies look to the cloud for solutions.


NSA developing custom smart phone for top-secret communications

The National Security Agency doesn't think your smart phone is secure enough for its needs.


Bin Laden's tech habit could trip up his terrorist group

Despite his efforts to go off the grid, Osama bin Laden's dependence on technology might lead to the biggest blow to his terrorist group.

Digital Government

Military leaders honored for cybersecurity efforts

Lt. Gen. Kenneth Minihan and Gen. James Cartwright are being honored for their contributions to cybersecurity defense by the University of Maryland University College as the institution celebrates its new cybersecurity program.


NSA offers smart phone-based recruiting tools

New apps are part of agency's use of 'cool high-tech tools'

Digital Government

Cyber 'epidemic' grows more urgent

With cyber threats to linked systems a potential epidemic, a panel of security leaders call for government to step up efforts on standards, collaboration and raising public awareness.

Digital Government

DOD, DHS working on one-two punch for cybersecurity

The Defense and Homeland Security departments have launched an initiative to share analysts and coordinate their cyber operations to protect critical infrastructure in the United States.

Digital Government

American Security Challenge to honor Gen. Alexander

This year's American Security Challenge will feature a ceremony to honor Gen. Keith Alexander with the 2010 Patriot Award.

Digital Government

Does NSA's cybersecurity mission extend to the dot-com domain?

NSA appears to be suffering from a case of mission creep as it extends its reach from the .mil Internet domain into critical infrastructure that traditionally has been outside the military’s direct control.

Digital Government

The cyberattack that awakened the Pentagon

Deputy Defense Secretary William J. Lynn today outlined the five pillars of the DOD’s strategy for defending against and responding to cyber attacks against the nation’s critical infrastructure and .mil networks.


Military wrestles with cyber war battle planning

The military's new consolidated Cyber Command faces unprecedented challenges as it forges the nation's policies and capabilities for cyber defense and war.


Cyber risks place new demands on public/private partnership

Industry and government expect the new Cyber Command to set the agenda for needed improvements in public/private cybersecurity collaboration.

Digital Government

NSA stakes another claim to cybersecurity leadership

The recent appearance of an article about NSA in the Wall Street Journal could indicate that the spy agency is jockeying for position with DHS, writes blogger Brian Robinson.

Digital Government

Cyber shield for private sector sparks Big Brother fears

The National Security Agency's new program to shield the networks of privately owned utilities and other critical infrastructure companies has some people worried that it's a step toward a surveillance state or a government power grab.