
Priscilla Guthrie to leave CIO job at ODNI, report says

The national intelligence director has announced Charlene Leubecker will be acting CIO.


OMB exec brings wide-angle lens to anti-terror unit

Mike Howell's move from OMB to the Information Sharing Environment could bolster that program and expand the administration's understanding of it, experts say.

Digital Government

New cyber role, budgetary measures headed to ODNI

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says he is creating new top-level jobs for cybersecurity and U.S. intelligence, and plans to move $50 billion from the Defense Department budget into his office.

Digital Government

Senate confirms Clapper as intell chief

The Senate has voted to confirm retired Air Force Lt. Gen. James Clapper as the country's fourth director of national intelligence.

Digital Government

Contractors in top secret programs may pose a major challenge for insourcing proponents

The explosive series of news articles currently running in The Washington Post—“Top Secret America”—is bound to add weight to the case against outsourcing.


Spymasters in search of forecasting software to enhance intell analysis

The research organization for intelligence agencies wants organizations to propose research to develop methods that provide more accurate, precise and timely intelligence forecasts.


Obama rockets to space with new policy

The Obama administration released a new policy for space exploration that calls for maintaining and enhancing space-based positioning, navigation, and timing systems, as well as protecting access to the radio-frequency spectrum.

Digital Government

Billions expected for cybersecurity research

The deputy director of national intelligence for acquisition and technology told a recent cybersecurity connference that her office and the White House Office of Science and Technology plan a multibillion dollar research project on cybersecurity.


Wanted: A better system for intelligence collection

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's Smart Collection office wants to fund research into ways to make collected intelligence more valuable.


Officers to get guidelines for open-source intell

Officials are drawing up guidance and certifications for people in the country's intelligence agencies who develop open-source intelligence.


White House names new chief of terrorism-related info sharing environment

The Obama administration has named a new leader for an office tasked with improving how agencies share terrorism-related information.

Digital Government

Reduced funding might actually improve intelligence work

Declining budgets could force intelligence agencies to streamline redundant analysis systems.


Director of national intelligence and intell sharing to step down

The country's top intelligence official, who oversees programs to integrate intelligence agencies' information technology, is leaving the post.


Intell chief wants more information sharing

More integration between collection and analysis capabilities can be achieved by intelligence agencies during the next five years, the country's top intelligence officer said today.

Digital Government

Can virtual worlds create better spies?

The Office of the Director of National intelligence wants to harness virtual worlds to create better trained intell officers.

Digital Government

Does playing video games really make you smarter?

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency wants quantitative research on how immersion in virtual worlds affects real world performance.


Information handcuffs: Counterterrorism IT needs support from the top, Congress told

Intelligence agencies face policy and privacy questions as they look to harness IT to fix problems identified after the failed Christmas Day bombing attempt.


U.S. would lose a cyber war, former intell chief warns

The country needs to make a national commitment to securing cyberspace before a catastropic attack occurs.

Digital Government

Former intell chief to talk cybersecurity

Former director of national intelligence Michael McConnell is scheduled to testify before the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee about what is needed to protect the country's critical infrastructure from cyberthreats.


Cyber threat growing at unprecedented rate, intell chief says

Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair today gave a blunt assessment of the many cyber threats faced by U.S. government and private-sector networks.