
OPM-GSA merger plan detailed in legislative proposal

The White House is proposing legislation for a dramatic overhaul of human resources inside government and wants $50 million to execute the plan.


OMB working on gov-wide cloud effort

An emphasis on category management includes plans to develop civilian agency version of the Pentagon's productivity and communications cloud contract.


Senators drill in on OPM-GSA reorg at confirmation hearing

Senators questioned President Donald Trump's pick to lead the Office of Personnel Management about workforce issues including a planned reorg that would divide OPM's functions between the White House and the General Services Administration.


GAO: cloud saved agencies $300 million, but data is incomplete

Agencies are investing more in cloud and saving hundreds of millions of dollars as a result — but cloud investments still only represent a fraction of government IT purchases, and data on their cost and savings is far from complete.

Digital Government

OMB previews next steps on data policy

The White House will soon unveil its plan for managing data within and across agencies, as well as guidance for recently passed legislation, per top two IT officials in the administration's tech management policy office.


Federal supply chain efforts look to work together

A supply chain security task force at DHS is working to align its efforts with OMB's Federal Acquisition Security Council.


GAO: Agencies could push harder on data center closing

Federal agencies are finding success with data center consolidation, but GAO finds some complications.


Kent previews next steps for AI and data policy

The White House wants to continue increasing job automation via AI and plans to work with agencies to implement newly passed laws.


OMB's Vought defends pay freeze, tech cuts

The acting head of the Office of Management and Budget defended the White House's decisions to cut the agency's technology reform office and freeze federal pay, as the administration prioritizes modernization and personnel management.


OMB sets goals for category management

The Office of Management and Budget tasked agencies with new policy for leveraging category management practices.

Digital Government

Tech officials huddle to implement new data laws

Agency tech officials meet with the Office of Management and Budget to decide how new data laws fit into their efforts under the President's Management Agenda.


White House seeks $50 million to push OPM-GSA merger

The White House budget proposed moving ahead with the administration’s reorganization plan to fold the Office of Personnel Management into the General Services Administration, and is exploring what can be done without congressional approval.


IT spend is flat in White House budget

The White House proposes a very slight dip in overall IT spend while pressing on modernization priorities and workforce development.


Budget proposal includes $150M for tech modernization fund

President Trump's $1.4 trillion budget proposal for 2020 boosts the central Technology Modernization Fund and gives agencies a push to launch their own working capital funds for IT.


Unions expecting pay freeze, workforce cuts in Trump budget

With the president's fiscal year 2020 budget planned slated for release on March 11, federal unions are bracing for proposed cuts to retirement benefits and agency size, as well as a civilian pay freeze.