
Defense Department (Re)Launches Open Source Software Portal

The open source initiative got a makeover and a new website:

Digital Government

The Source Code for the iPhone Leaked Online

Researchers believe the code to be real, and could be a significant security leak


What Happens When You Can't Share or Access Your Own Data?

Agencies can avoid vendor lock-in with hybrid open source software.

Digital Government

White House Launches Revamped Website

The new site is designed to match private sector quality, a senior administration official says. 

Digital Government

Oracle rips innovation shops

In comments on a planned governmentwide modernization scheme, database firm Oracle called on the federal government to rethink open source and hiring software coders.

Digital Government

Outraged Programmers Forced a Rare Concession From Facebook on Its Open-Source Software

Facebook’s open-source software is wildly popular among developers and has been used to build countless websites.


Trump names top IC CIO

CIA open source leader John Sherman has been tapped to serve as CIO of the intelligence community.

Digital Government

Energy Department releases code to count bats in the dark

Pacific Northwest Laboratory researchers are making the thermal imaging software available to energy companies to help with offshore wind turbine siting.


Buy vs. build to reduce insider threats

Commercially supported open source comes with both cost and security benefits.


VA chief talks commercial Vista

Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin told House appropriators that the agency was closing in on a decision about the future of its homegrown electronic health record.

Digital Government

Former Microsoft chief launches government data site

Steve Ballmer's $10 million government data site offers scope and scale, but transparency advocates warn that it's not a management tool.

Digital Government

CMS 101

Content management systems have grown more powerful and easier to use, but there are still some important factors for government users to consider.

Digital Government

The real story about COTS for the VA

An advocate for the VistA system warns a rush to commercial electronic health records could come with serious risks.

Digital Government

Pentagon Launches Open-Source Experiment would let the public contribute to unclassified code written by federal employees.

Digital Government

GSA moves one step closer to replacing DUNS

The General Services Administration released an RFI looking for input on an open numbering system for federal procurement.

Digital Government

Congress presses VA to go commercial on IT

The Department of Veterans Affairs must decide whether to keep and improve its home-grown Vista heath record system or move to a commercial provider. Legislators are growing tired of waiting for an answer.


How agencies can take a page out of industry's open playbooks

To truly innovate, government must holistically consider a combination of people, processes and technology.

Digital Government

Education Dept. Builds Show and Tell Space for Developers

There's a new GitHub repository for anything built with Education Department data.

Digital Government

Dickerson to Congress: USDS is delivering results

The U.S. Digital Services' report to Congress details 2016 accomplishments across government.