
Lawmakers question goals of reorganization plan

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle raised concerns about various aspects of the White House's plan to structurally reorganize the federal government.


DISA takes the lead in continuous monitoring clearance tech

The Defense Information Systems Agency is spearheading a continuous monitoring solution that it hopes will virtually eliminate the reinvestigation process for security clearance holders and reduce the backlog of more than 700,000 cases.


Reorg includes clearance overhaul

The plan would strip the Office of Personnel Management of its authority over background investigations and make the Pentagon the central hub for security clearance authority in the federal government.


OPM pushes agencies to report cyber workforce gaps

The Office of Personnel Management wants to know exactly what cybersecurity positions agencies need to fill and how they plan to fill them.


Trump team looks to refine workforce messaging

As the Trump administration continues its push to reform the federal workforce, its top management and personnel officials want to change how their message is being received.


OPM seeks governmentwide solution for digital employee records

The Office of Personnel Management is seeking a digital record system that would make it easier for federal employees to move across agencies and in and out of government.


Union sues Trump over workforce order

The American Federation of Government Employees wants a court to quickly overturn a Trump administration executive order putting limits on union activity conducted on the federal clock.


Administration officials defend planned cuts to workforce benefits

A House panel wanted details on how Trump administration plans to attract a high quality workforce while pushing legislative proposals aimed at cutting benefits.


OPM, OMB officials push major workforce changes

Just after proposing a series of changes to the federal workforce retirement system, administration personnel directors are looking at more changes to improve recruitment and hiring.


OPM pushes cuts to federal retirement benefits

The Office of Personnel Management is moving ahead with a series of changes to pension benefits that it estimates will save more than $143 billion over 10 years.


OPM chief looks to elevate CHCOs

In a new memo, Office of Personnel Management Director Jeff Pon wants to make sure agency human capital chiefs have a seat at the top table.


Feds make almost one-third less than private-sector peers

The Federal Salary Council reported that federal employees make 32 percent less than their private-sector counterparts and recommended that six more areas be added to the locality pay program.


OPM tells agencies how to respond to cyber workforce needs

Agencies will have a year to identify high-value positions, investigate the root causes of any talent shortage and develop action plans before they start reporting annually to OPM.


After breach, OPM ignored contracting requirements in ID monitoring deal

Nearly four years after the data breach, OPM was found to have improperly awarded a multi-million contract for identity theft services.


Senior feds need better job prep, survey says

Just half the new SES members reported satisfaction with their onboarding experience, according to a newly released survey from the Office of Personnel Management.


Feds protest Trump's workforce plans

As senators voted to advance White House picks to lead OPM, unionized feds protested the president's civil service plans.


OPM looks to improve training, fix skills gap

The Trump administration's human resources strategy includes tasking agencies with better use of data and revising organizational structures.


Security clearance process deemed 'high-risk' by GAO

The Government Accountability Office has added the governmentwide security clearance process to its list of government programs most in need of reform.


Even short shutdowns complicate federal hiring

With two government shutdowns in recent memory -- and a third looming -- the disruptions of federal operations make an already-protracted federal hiring process even more challenging.


OPM extends pay freeze for senior ranks

The Office of Personnel Management is extending a pay freeze for senior political officials — at least until Congress passes appropriations legislation.