
NDAA requires new job data, software job series

The House-passed compromise NDAA also has other workforce provisions, including a change to the probationary period for civilian feds at DOD and paid parental bereavement leave for federal employees.


Ahuja tees up 2022 plans for OPM

The Office of Personnel Management has a long list of priorities as it rebuilds itself and rolls out policies to implement the Biden-Harris agenda.


New OPM ‘playbook’ supports government hiring surge

Agencies need to staff up to implement the bipartisan infrastructure law, OPM says.


Connolly presses for legislation on telework, internships and OPM

A new bill on federal internships would require interns be paid and create a central online source of information on federal internships, among other measures.


White House asks agencies to delay consequences for vaccine mandate violations

Agencies have the power to decide how to discipline unvaccinated feds, but the White House is encouraging them to go beyond education, counseling and letters of reprimand until after the holidays.


Connolly introduces bill to 'rebuild' OPM

One goal of the bill is to ensure that future OPM directors are nonpartisan.


White House rolls out DEIA strategy

On Tuesday, the Biden administration issued agencies a roadmap to guide their efforts to develop strategic plans for diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA), as required under a as required under a June executive order.


Recruitment is top of mind for OPM's Kiran Ahuja

"If we want the best talent meeting America's needs, then we need to be smart about creating opportunities for them," Office of Personnel Management Director Kiran Ahuja said at an event hosted by FCW.


OPM updates decade-old telework guide

The Office of Personnel Management is asking agencies to rethink their approach to work in light of lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Union complains of 'double standard' for fed and contractor vaccine mandates

The American Federation of Government employees is asking policymakers to put federal employees and contractors on the same clock when it comes to COVID-19 vaccination requirements.


OPM rule gives agencies more direct-hire authority for recent college grads

The new authority is being billed by the Office of Personnel Management as s one more tool for agencies to bring in young talent and fill critical talent gaps.


White House: 'There's not a cliff here' when it comes to vaccine deadlines

For federal employees and contractors who don't hit vaccination deadlines, processes for remediation will kick in before more serious enforcement measure are taken, White House coronavirus coordinator Jeffrey Zients said.


GAO prods OPM to review pandemic hiring

A new Government Accountability Office report says that not compiling the lessons learned from special hiring authorities could "risk significantly hindering the government's ability to recruit, hire, retain and manage its current COVID-19 pandemic workforce as well as for future pandemics or emergencies."


White House looks to boost federal employee union participation

The Office of Personnel Management is directed agencies to more regularly give new and longtime feds more information about their union eligibility and guidance about how to join.


How training fits into cyber workforce development

In a tight market for cyber talent, training is one way to show the workforce you've invested in them, says Jason Gray, the Department of Education's CIO and co-chair of the CIO Council's Workforce Committee.


DOD personnel now subject to 'continuous vetting'

Defense and military personnel are now a part of an automated "continuous vetting" program that will flag concerning behavior or circumstances as part of the security clearance process.


OPM director talks federal recruitment with students

Kiran Ahuja talked about streamlining hiring, implementing President Biden's executive order on diversity and more at a George Mason University event.


Lessons of the Cyber Reskilling Academy

The leaders who orchestrated a reskilling program meant to transform feds into cyber defense analysts have some takeaways.


OPM looks to modernize IT, set up revolving fund

In a report to Congress, the Office of Personnel Management said it largely agreed with a set of recommendations from the National Academy of Public Administration about the future of the HR agency.


Federal managers seek hard info on COVID-19 testing plans

In a letter sent to administration officials Thursday, the Government Managers Coalition flagged concerns that agencies and managers are ill-prepared to roll out the administration's COVID-19 vaccination and testing requirements for feds.