
OPM details pandemic emergency paid leave program

This special leave will be available through the end of the fiscal year or until the $570 million fund is exhausted, OPM documents say.


Federal employee job satisfaction climbed during pandemic

The survey documents the rapid change to teleworking postures in government under the COVID-19 pandemic.


OPM nominee plans focus on telework, IT, retirement

Kiran Ahuja, a veteran of the Office of Personnel Management, told lawmakers that she thinks that the lack of consistent leadership in the top position at OPM has taken a toll on the ability of the agency to complete longer term IT modernization projects.


OPM digs into the post-pandemic puzzle of remote work and locality pay

An Office of Personnel Management official said on Thursday that the office is looking into pay administration rules in terms of remote work as part of broader efforts to provide guidance for the long-term future of a more dispersed federal workforce.


New OPM survey heralds rethink of federal job design

The new Federal Workforce Competency Initiative looks to update definitions of skills and abilities needed to are core competencies for different jobs.


A blueprint to rebuild OPM

A congressionally mandated study from the National Academy for Public Administration asks lawmakers and the executive branch to help create the conditions for the Office of Personnel Management to fulfill its purpose as a strategic human capital advisor to federal agencies.

Digital Government

Biden looks to expand time off for feds to vote

An executive order issued Sunday on voting access includes a directive to the Office of Personnel Management to support federal employees looking to vote or serve as poll workers or observers during elections.


OPM tells agencies to restart union talks to uproot Trump-era orders

The Office of Personnel Management is looking to remove vestiges of workforce executive orders from the Trump administration from federal agency contracts with employee unions, including restrictions on official time and union use of agency facilities.


Human capital woes make high-risk operations worse, GAO says

Strategic human capital management has fallen by the wayside, and that is taking a toll on government operations.


Presidential Rank Awards are back

The Biden administration is bringing back the Presidential Rank Awards for 2021 after a one-year hiatus.


Biden team pledges help for 'damaged' federal workforce

Pam Coleman, the director for performance management at the Office of Management and Budget, said that, "each week we seem to uncover more damage" done to the federal workforce under the Trump administration.


OPM cautions feds on marijuana use

Past marijuana use is not disqualifying for applicants to federal jobs, but ongoing use in jurisdictions where pot has been legalized or decriminalized is still off limits, OPM states.


Shaping post-Trump workforce policy

Democrats in Congress are considering legislation on multiple workforce fronts, including the issue of limiting the president's authority to remake the civil service via executive order.


Kiran Ahuja tapped to lead OPM

The former Office of Personnel Management chief of staff is slated to return to lead the federal government's human resources agency.


AFGE looks to maximize two years of Democratic control on Capitol Hill

Although workplace safety is top of mind, the American Federation of Government Employees wants Congress to pursue action beyond the reversal of Trump workforce policies.


FLRA defends Trump-era rule on revoking union fees

The Federal Labor Relations Authority is defending a 2020 rule in a union lawsuit – a rule opposed by the official now temporarily in charge of the agency.


Biden names senior OPM officials

The appointments come on the heels of executive orders in Biden's first days in office that started the rollback of much of the Trump administration's workforce policy.


OPM says federal employee job satisfaction is up

Full results of the delayed Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey won't be out until the spring, according to the Office of Personnel Management, but a preliminary look at topline results suggests federal employee job satisfaction is improving.


Bipartisan House bill would block Schedule F conversions

The bill is the latest of several legislative attempts to block an executive order that could remake parts of the civil service into at-will employees.


Did Trump shrink the government? Not according to the Plum Book

Despite promises to "drain the swamp," the Trump administration did little to reduce the number of political appointments, according to data in the latest iteration of the Plum Book.