
CISA subpoena bill set to land

The legislation will make a number of changes from a proposal submitted by DHS, narrowing the scope of the authorities to critical infrastructure IT and only for cybersecurity purposes.


Agencies Turn In ‘Best FITARA Scorecard Ever’

Collectively, the federal government improved its oversight grades in IT modernization.


Senators warn on encryption

Law enforcement hawks from both parties on the Senate Judiciary Committee threatened tech companies with new rules for access to encrypted data.

Emerging Tech

TSA Isn’t Doing Enough To Ensure Screening Tech Continues Working Over Time, Watchdog Says

A report shows the airport security agency is good at building and deploying tech but doesn’t have a process to ensure those tools keep operating at a high level.

Digital Government

GAO Handbook Helps Answer Whether That New Tech Is Right For Your Agency

The handbook outlines how the Science, Technology Assessment, and Analytics Office prepares reports for Congress, but the principles can be applied to any organization looking at new technologies.


'Technical irregularities' plagued contact chaining at NSA

ODNI's privacy czar said bad data from telecoms irrevocably tainted the contact-chaining process that was at the heart of the NSA's Call Detail Records program.


AWS lawsuit alleges 'improper pressure' from Trump on JEDI

President Donald Trump personally steered a $10-billion cloud computing contract away from frontrunner Amazon Web Services out of personal and political animus against Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, according to the details of a lawsuit released publicly Dec. 9.

Digital Government

OTA revival hits a wall

Despite a big push from a dedicated group determined to bring back the Office of Technology Assessment, it's unclear whether many in Congress are prepared to expend political capital on the issue.


DOD wants industry base to close IP theft gaps

The Defense Department is concerned about gaining and keeping a technological edge and is looking to private-sector companies to help seal their capabilities.

Digital Government

IG Says It Is Helping Return As Much As $5.9 Billion to the Government

The anticipated recoveries of misspent health program dollars would be the result of the HHS watchdog's work in fiscal 2019.


IG: CBP Knew Its Tech Couldn’t Handle Family Separations Before Pushing Zero Tolerance Policy

The agency was made aware of significant data entry and tracking issues after a test in November 2017, then chose to ignore those problems.


Do our algorithms have enough oversight?

Unconscious bias is just one of the unintended consequences complicating government's use of AI.

Emerging Tech

Pentagon Nearly Doubles Use of Other Transaction Authority Purchases

The Defense Department is embracing the alternative procurement method but could use more oversight of the deals, a Government Accountability Office audit found.

Digital Government

GAO Hires First Data Scientist

The position will lead the watchdog’s new Innovation Lab, soliciting new ideas and using data to help GAO better inform agencies and Congress.

Digital Government

Norquist: Data trust key to improving DOD's audit

David Norquist, the deputy defense secretary and DOD's former comptroller, told Congress DOD needs to use data like the commercial sector.

Digital Government

Carolyn Maloney wins Oversight gavel

The New York Democrat won the race to succeed the late Elijah Cummings as the chair of the House Oversight and Reform Committee.

Digital Government

Defense Department Fails Its Second Audit, Yet Is Making Progress

This was only the second audit completed for the Pentagon since a 1990 law required them.


ODNI says it does not collect geolocation data under Patriot Act

Intelligence agencies say they haven't used a controversial surveillance law to collect cell location data since a landmark Supreme Court case last year, but reserve the right to do so in the future.

Digital Government

House panel mulls new election tech specs

The House Science, Space and Technology Committee will mark up new legislation Nov. 14 that would mandate new research into voting machine cybersecurity vulnerabilities and update the way the government certifies such equipment.

Digital Government

Report: election vendors need more federal oversight

A virtual oligopoly over voting technology by three private vendors and a lack of federal regulatory pressure has led to dangerous security vulnerabilities in the nation's election infrastructure, according to a new report.