Digital Government

Can a joint DOD-VA oversight body catch up with health record deployment?

Lawmakers want to put teeth in a governance body to corral DOD and VA health record deployment, but facts on the ground may be getting ahead of planned governance.


DHS Needs a Better Grasp of Its Cyber Workforce, Watchdog Says

The agency doesn’t fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of its cyber personnel, and it’s more than two years behind on developing a workforce planning strategy, the inspector general found.


VA needs more time on scheduling software

As part of its electronic health records modernization plan, the Department of Veterans Affairs is adopting Cerner's scheduling system but it's going to take longer than they thought.


VA to Pilot New Scheduling System at Same Ohio Facility that Tested the Last Solution

The Chalmers P. Wylie Ambulatory Care Center in Columbus, Ohio, is set to get another new scheduling system, as VA lets one contract expire and shifts to its new EHR provider.


Finding the feds of the future

Lawmakers and experts say that hiring and management need improvement if the federal government is going to attract replacements for its aging workforce.


House panel probes Trump hotel lease

With impeachment in the background, Democrats on a House subcommittee grilled the General Services Administration about its oversight of President Trump's lease on the Old Post Office building in Washington, D.C.

Digital Government

DHS is Struggling to Coordinate Its Sprawling Research Efforts

Poor oversight and shoddy data management have left the DHS Science and Technology Directorate unprepared to invest in the future, according to the agency's inspector general.


Unionized feds rally with Hill Democrats

Federal employee unions heard from leaders and members of Congress as they push back on proposed changes to federal workforce rules.


DHS FISMA ratings go up

The Department of Homeland Security's information security practices have gone from good to better, according to a new inspector general audit.

Digital Government

Inspector General Vacancies Continue to Jeopardize Oversight and Investigations

Thirteen of 74 positions lack a permanent IG and some of the openings date back to Obama era, according to a watchdog.


Treasury IG Finds ‘Significant Vulnerabilities’ in IRS’ BYOD Program

The IRS’ bring-your-own-device program could increase the risk of data leakage, according to the Treasury Inspector General.


USAF preps cyber review

The Air Force has been undergoing a comprehensive cyber audit modeled on the Navy's review, and is preparing to show findings to the Pentagon.


Who defends the Internet?

Much of the underlying architecture that powers the internet is under increasing threat -- and it's not clear who in government or industry can or should take the lead to protect it.


Pentagon’s DEOS Contract Protested

The Government Accountability Office will make a decision on the protest by Dec. 18

Digital Government

DOD pushes back on open source

The Government Accountability Office wants the Department of Defense to implement governmentwide open source software requirements, but the Pentagon's top tech official has other plans.


House Dems want leaders to fight for spending bill's labor protections

More than 200 legislators warn against cutting key workforce provisions during final funding negotiations.


Esper still mulling JEDI strategy

Defense Secretary Mark Esper said he's examining the strategy and execution of the DOD's planned $10 billion cloud buy and doesn't have a deadline to complete his review.


Watchdog: IT Troubles Limited FEMA’s Response to 2017 Hurricanes, Wildfires

The flaws, some of which date back more than a decade, left first responders scrambling to gather, share and access critical information.

Emerging Tech

Why Agencies Aren’t Buying More Electric Vehicles

Federal fleets are getting more energy-efficient, but officials said electric vehicles aren’t viable at this time.


Senior Justice Official Caught Watching Porn on Government Computer

The then-deputy assistant attorney general resigned after investigators found a trove of sexually explicit content on their computer.