
Government Gets Poor Marks Securing Students' Personal Info

The office isn’t effectively monitoring cyber protections after it shares student information, including with collection agencies.

Digital Government

GAO: $15.6 billion census cost estimate not reliable

The Census Bureau bumped its lifecycle cost estimate for the 2020 count up to $15.6 billion last year -- more than $3 billion more than initially projected. But the GAO is, again, taking issue with the reliability of the estimate.


Congress Doesn’t Know Who’s in Charge of VA’s $10 Billion Health Records Overhaul

Lawmakers are trying to figure out what to do about the lack of accountability within the program’s leadership.


How to win funds and modernize technology

As TMF funding hangs in the balance, the modernization board advises applicants not to bury the lede.


GAO: 'Urgent Action’ Needed to Address Nation’s Cyber Challenges

The Government Accountability Office is sounding the alarm that U.S. critical infrastructures are not as secure as they should be.


Warner hints at new regs for social media

Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Facebook's Sheryl Sandburg faced tough questions from lawmakers and a lot of theater during a day on Capitol Hill, but it's unclear whether oversight will yield new laws or regs.

Digital Government

First-ever online census lags on tech issues

Plans for a first-ever online census are lagging on IT readiness, a government watchdog says, and there's still work to do securing systems and data.

Digital Government

Census Bureau Must Fix 3,100 Cyber Vulnerabilities Before 2020 Count

The first digital census has suffered from delays and ballooning IT costs, an auditor’s report states.


Lawmakers seek answers on security application release by USPS

Two Democrats on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee want details on how a former CIA officer's federal security clearance application ended up in the hands of a political action committee.

Digital Government

Key open gov deadline nears with no public action

Can stakeholders and activists take this White House at its word that it is sincerely interested in advancing open data and open government policy?


The IRS can do more with its fraud detection system

A GAO audit found that the tax agency's Return Review Program has made strides in recent years that can be applied to number of other enforcement activities.


Senator Urges a Roving Cyber Auditor

A governmentwide inspector general would have a broader view of cyber deficits than individual agency IGs, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, D-R.I., says.

Digital Government

FCC chairman: truth about site failure should have come out sooner

Ajit Pai told lawmakers that he couldn't alert the public to an event incorrectly designated as a cyberattack without jeopardizing a federal investigation.


GAO presses OPM for better data on employee misconduct

A new report from the GAO flags multiple holes in the way OPM collects for employee misconduct. OPM thinks GAO doesn’t understand the law.

Digital Government

When government websites fail

The FCC’s site went down last year not because of a DDoS attack, but because it couldn’t handle the traffic spike. So who’s responsible for making sure that doesn’t happen?


Sen. Markey wants details on cyber threats to the U.S. grid

In letters to federal agencies and power companies, Sen. Edward Markey wants more information on reports of cybersecurity vulnerabilities in U.S. power systems.

Digital Government

The Government’s Paperwork Problem is Undermining Public Trust

An audit suggests agencies are doing a poor job of assessing the burden their information requests place on the public.


FCC IG Says the Alleged Net Neutrality DDoS Attack Never Happened

An internal investigation found the agency’s commenting system was knocked offline by “system design issues” and “‘flash crowd’ activity,” not hackers.

Digital Government

Watchdog: Agency CIOs Still Don’t Have Mandated Authorities

A Government Accountability Office report shows few agencies have policies giving chief information officers the authorities they need to be successful.