
Commerce's Cyber Hit List: Third-Party Apps, Phishing

CISO Rod Turk said the department is focused on collaboration between bureaus.


Audit: DHS Employees Not Fooled by Phishing Scams

However, some employees are still leaving sensitive paper documents strewn about their cubicles.


Phishing Emails Targeting Veterans are on the Rise -- But Don’t Blame this Website, VA Says

To the Web-savvy, the emails are obvious “phishing” attempts. But these particular emails target an especially vulnerable population.


IRS Phishing Scams Up 400 Percent, Agency Warns

As of mid-February, the IRS has already experienced 1,389 incidents.


After USPS Phishing Hack, Audit Shows Postal Workers Still Click on Links

Aquarter of agency employees fell for a simulated email scheme, according to an internal watchdog.


If You Fall for a Phishing Scam, Should You Lose Your Security Clearance?

CISOs are concerned about how frequently even senior-level federal employees fall for the bogus emails.


Census Wants Employees Prepared for Phishing Attacks

The training program is meant to make sure the bureau’s employees are armed with the appropriate knowledge and skill set to defend themselves against future attacks.


Don’t Fall for This USAJobs Phishing Scam

The Office of Personnel Management is warning job seekers about email scams purporting to come from the federal government’s jobs site.


DHS Alerts Public to OPM-Related Phishing Scams

Emails claiming to come from the agency and contractor CSID might be after money, U.S. secrets or both, say experts.


Fake Dot-Gov Webmail Used in Phishing Scam to Hack EPA and Census Staff

Nigerian admits breaching employee email accounts to order agency office products that he then sold on the black market.

Digital Government

This Defense Contractor Is Repeatedly Spear-Phishing 68,000 Innocent People

The exercise is meant to teach employees how to identify and report network intrusions.