Digital Government

How California’s Consumer Privacy Act Will Become the Digital Law of the Land

Under the law, the onus is on consumers to request that companies disclose or delete their personal data. But more states and the federal government could still jump into the privacy debate.


Lawmakers seek answers on HUD's use of facial recognition

Responding to press accounts, a group of lawmakers want to know if the Department of Housing and Urban Development is supporting the use of biometric surveillance in public housing properties.

Digital Government

NSA data storage poses risk to civil liberties, watchdog says

An audit conducted by the National Security Agency inspector general raises questions about the intelligence agency’s data retention policies.


'Technical irregularities' plagued contact chaining at NSA

ODNI's privacy czar said bad data from telecoms irrevocably tainted the contact-chaining process that was at the heart of the NSA's Call Detail Records program.

Emerging Tech

Bill Would Constrain Some Police Use of Facial-Recognition Tools

A 72-hour limit on tracking individuals would become the first, and somewhat arbitrary, federal line in the sand.


CBP walks back facial recognition for citizens

The reversal took place after "consultation with Congress and privacy experts," a Customs and Border Protection spokesman says.

Digital Government

Senators Renew Effort to Safeguard People’s Data Online

The bill would make companies subject to fines from the Federal Trade Commission if they poorly protect data.


VA Released Millions of People's Personal Data Despite Known Risks

The agency stopped redacting personally identifiable information in claims requested under the Privacy Act, even though officials knew the policy could leave millions of people vulnerable to identity theft.


Spy Agencies Stopped Collecting GPS, Phone Location Data Last Year

The decision came in the wake of a Supreme Court decision restricting law enforcement’s use of such information.


NSA says it can collect metadata for encrypted comms

During a hearing to discuss reauthorization for a number of controversial spying authorities, intelligence and law enforcement officials indicated they could sweep up logistical records related to encrypted communications.

Emerging Tech

Did Body Cameras Backfire?

Body cameras were supposed to fix a broken system. What happened?

Digital Government

Border Agents Can Now Get Classified Intelligence Information. Experts Call That Dangerous.

The Trump administration is creating a center that will give immigration agents access to information from U.S. intelligence agencies. Migrants and others denied entry will be unable to see the evidence against them because it is classified.


Report: 2020 is the Year Data Gets Weaponized

Research firm Forrester experts criminals and bad actors to weaponized artificial intelligence and machine learning, and the results won’t be pretty.

Digital Government

The ACCC Is Suing Google over Tracking Users. Here's Why It Matters.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission follows regulators in countries including the U.S. and Germany in taking action against the way “tech giants” harvest and exploit their users’ data.

Emerging Tech

Silicon Valley Rep Calls For Task Force, Legislation on Government Use of Biometrics

Rep. Ro Khanna said Congress should dictate exactly how federal agencies use technologies like facial recognition. But first, the legislative body needs to get properly educated.


Lawmaker pushes online verification to combat disinformation

Mandatory ID checks for social media platforms could help fight propaganda, but experts worry about privacy tradeoffs.

Emerging Tech

Justice to Require DNA Sampling of Nearly All Detained Migrants

Once collected, the samples will be moved into the FBI’s massive DNA database. 


Privacy Bill Could Put Dishonest Tech Execs Behind Bars

The Mind Your Own Business Act would expand FTC authorities and introduce comprehensive new protections for consumers’ personal data.