
Coast Guard takes charge as integrator lead in procurements

Although the House voted last month to ban using lead systems integrators for Coast Guard procurements, the service is still using that structure temporarily on two major acquisitions, its procurement chief says.


Federal procurement nominee outlines agenda

Gordon tells a Senate committee he would emphasize the acquisition workforce.


New contractor database draws fire

Industry and good-government groups criticize a new database that would be used to judge contractors before making awards.


Some IT projects may have $2 billion in overruns, GAO says

The GAO found $2 billion in cost overruns compared with original estimates for 16 major IT projects.

Digital Government

Networx transition woes: Dual contracts or dueling contracts?

In part two of our look at Networx transition woes, we look at Enterprise and Universal, once thought to be complementary contracts, increasing are seen as interchangeable.

Digital Government

Transition Woes: Networx structure remains a sticking point

In part one of our look at Networx transition woes, we look at how reality hasn't lived up to the original vision for Networx and the question of why not restructure it into a single vehicle.


Fixed-price contracts increase under stimulus law

The proportion of fixed-price contracts is increasing in the contracts funded under the economic stimulus law, a new report says.


Insourcing can create synergy between missions and personnel

Insourcing is one tool agencies can use to build a strong organization that has its main missions in mind, experts say.

Digital Government

Defense contract auditors caught in crossfire

The Defense Contract Audit Agency has risen to a new level of infamy. The GAO and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee say it is not up to the job of auditing federal contractors. Meanwhile, the industry is complaining about the exact opposite.


GSA starts training to end misuse of schedules contracts

Task orders have become the primary means that agencies use to buy things, but procurement officers don't always understand the regulations, officials say.


OMB urges performance-based management

Agencies should use performance-based management systems to improve acquisitions practices, according to an OMB memo.


Twenty must-follow contracts

A ranking of the largest and most important contracts set to be released in the coming year.


Federal cost-reimbursement contract overview is a mess, GAO says

It is hard to get a handle on federal cost-reimbursement contracts because of missing documentation and incomplete accounting, says a new GAO report


New law has engineers poised for more management duties

The Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act of 2009 highlights the need to give systems engineers greater responsibility and authority, writes John A. Thomas.


A bid for protest sanity

The latest case of a bid protest against a multibillion-dollar award prompted our colleague Nick Wakeman to ask a simple but pertinent question: What gives?


Insourcing: It's still more with less

It's time to use available commercial technologies and business practices and bring federal acquisition into the 21st century, Bruce Sullivan writes.


Lieberman outlines plan for cybersecurity legislation

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) today detailed his goals for comprehensive cybersecurity legislation he plans to introduce.


DHS' financial system consolidation needs better oversight, officials say

DHS' financial system consolidation program has progressed but still relies too much on contractors, GAO officials say.


Senators skeptical about Obama acquisition reform plan

The Obama administration expects agencies to save $40 billion by fiscal 2011 through better acquisitions.

Digital Government

5 signs procurement is ready for a revolution

Conditions are ripe for contracting shops to significantly change the way they do business.