
GSA and partners say: Put the 2.0 into Acquisition 101

The project's organizers want ideas on using collaboration and social media to make the federal acquisition process more transparent and participatory.


6 core capabilities that acquisition workers need

Any plans to insource must include efforts to rebuild the acquisition workforce, writes Peter Tuttle.


IT consolidation will improve services, Kundra says

GSA aims for better data quality but also has some problems with integrating eight databases into a single platform.

Digital Government

NASA to update schedule for coming IT acquisitions

NASA soon will release a new schedule for opening competition on five information technology services contracts estimated to be worth a total of more than $4 billion.


When custom software was king

Custom technology used to be the only option for government agencies, but now commercial products address most needs, experts say.


GAO lawyer to be Obama's pick for top procurement office

The White House has settled on the acting general counsel at the Government Accountability Office to run the Office of Federal Procurement Policy.


GAO finds DOD contractors have made progress on ethics

Some Defense Department contractors and DOD itself have made progress with ethics programs, but improvements are still needed, GAO reports.


Hurry up and wait

Government is always trying to play catch-up with technology. And's foray into cloud computing is no different.


Contractors dodge ACORN scandal for now

The broad language of a House-approved bill to defund ACORN could have taken money away from some government contractors but the passage of the appropriations continuing resolution seems to have quieted those fears.


Agency insourcing plans make industry nervous

Although industry hears the rumblings of insourcing, experts say agencies aren't arriving at the potential savings with a full perspective of the government's costs.


DHS considers new structure for EAGLE II

The Homeland Security Department is considering getting rid of all functional categories and allowing broad competition for the possible EAGLE II-Unrestricted acquisition vehicle.


Baseball and acquisition have a lot in common, for better or worse

Intensified oversight undermines support for procurement staff, writes columnist Bill Gormley.


Is Transparency Killing Partnership?

Two gatherings last week prompted similar disturbing questions about the current state of relations between government and industry.


Maximum benefit

The idea that the operations of government should be driven by the same motive as private enterprise is fallacious on the face of it, but that’s not to say that government agencies should not run more efficiently.


Got an App for that? Not quite yet

The White House has launched a storefront for cloud-computing services. Vendors who want to sell through it must undergo a certification process.

Digital Government

Boeing gets one-year extension on SBInet contract

U.S. Customs and Border Protection exercised its option to extend its SBInet border surveillance contract with Boeing Co. for a year.


The government's in the red

The government spent only 21.5 percent of its contracting dollars with small businesses last year, missing its 23 percent goal and slipping nearly a percentage point from the previous year.


A handbook on acquisition reforms

Former government officials and an industry partner offer the Obama administration's incoming acquisition team some recommendations for tackling federal acquisition issues.


Lawmakers hit DHS on electronic border surveillance system

Lawmakers scolded Homeland Security Department officials for the latest round of delays on the SBInet electronic border surveillance project.


Do contractor ID numbers taint transparency?

Advocacy groups are reviving long-standing questions about the suitability of corporate ownership of a critical government database.