
Survey: Acquisition employees say they've improved

According to a workforce survey, nine of 17 contracting competencies increased when compared with the same survey done in 2007.


Procurement reforms are tough in lean times

Agencies can always hire more people, Congress permitting. But good contracting officers, like fine wines, need time to develop their full potential.


CIO: CDC preparing for contract worth up to $2 billion

The CDC's CIO outlines plans for the agency's largest IT contract, which is also the first Multiple Award Contract.


DISA, GSA detail $5 billion satellite pact

A new satellite contract that the General Services Administration and the Defense Information Systems Agency are entering into will offer a $5 billion, 10-year multiple award schedule and indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity terms.


Regulators urged to lighten up on award-fee rules

Agencies asked regulators to avoid more burdensome rules and reporting requirements.


Agencies get creative to recruit acquisition workforce

Administration officials say new ideas are being tried to expand the acquisition workforce.


GSA issues cloud storefront RFQ

Storage, Web hosting and virtualization requested on an on-demand basis.

Digital Government

The seven deadly sins of insourcing: A request for comments

What are the pitfalls of insourcing and how might they be avoided? We will publish a selection of the best comments in an upcoming issue of Federal Computer Week.


Kundra aids search for procurement leader

Kundra says the nominee for OFPP administrator must understand the government’s contracting challenges and recognize that technology procurements are unique.


New Coast Guard acquisition chief eyes changes

Rear Adm. Ronald Rábago wants to align the Acquisition Directorate's responsibilities with the Coast Guard's modernization efforts.


Passing the baton

Why, six months into his presidency, has Obama still not named anyone to fill the administrator’s position at the Office of Federal Procurement Policy?


Bill would end HUBZone primacy

HUBZone businesses have priority over companies owned by service-disabled veterans and those in the 8(a) program, but that might change.


Analyst: Acquisition workforce needs retooling

A unified acquisition employment series should include program management, contracting officers and an expanded version of a contracting officer's technical representative.


The Army's Gary Winkler: Master of change

Winkler explains why change is a natural state — and an imperative — for the service’s information technology portfolio.


Acquisition reforms rush forward while top OFPP seat remains empty

The OFPP administrator, in theory, is an important person when reforming the procurement system. Nevertheless, Obama's making changes without one.


The ethics of contracting: Still an open question

Experts today reacted to reports of inappropriate procurement activities at the Homeland Security Department by saying it was unclear whether such actions are common at other federal agencies.


GSA, DISA collaborate on satellite contracts

The agencies are set to join forces to procure future commercial satellite communications. The joint strategy will tackle the impending expiration of contracts set to lapse between 2011 and 2012.


DHS officials skirted procurement ethics rules, IG says

DHS officials had inappropriate communications and committed other improprieties in four procurements, according to a new report.


OMB tells agencies to cut billions from contracts

OMB issued three memos today that outline $40 billion in savings on contract spending. It told agencies to cut seven percent from their budgets for contractors.


Acquisition workforce needs own category, analyst says

A new government job series should include program management, contracting officers, and a new function named “requirements management,” which would be “a professionalized super COTR.”