
GSA nomination mired in Senate muck

A busy Senate schedule, not further questions, is apparently holding up confirmation of Martha Johnson to be administrator of the General Services Administration.


Defense bill: Contractors would feel the hurt if feds are injured

If a contractor is found at fault for causing injury to a government employee, DOD must prohibit any award fee.


It takes a village

As editors of a publication that reaches tens of thousands of executives and professionals in and around government, we know the importance of listening to all points of view, even — or especially — when one of those viewpoints is that we’ve got a story all wrong.


GSA expands on O'Hare's GWACs comments

In a recent interview with Federal Computer Week's acquisition editor, Matthew Weigelt, Ed O'Hare, assistant commissioner of the Office of Integrated Technology Services at GSA's Federal Acquisition Service, clarifies and expands upon his comments made during a panel discussion at the Washington Technology Top 100 Conference.

Digital Government

GSA recasts statements on the end of the GWAC era

GSA has been trying to tamp down concerns about a possible merger of two of its major programs, denying that a senior agency official had intended to give that impression in remarks he made at a conference last month. Despite the agency's efforts, however, some experts say blending the governmentwide acquisition contract program and the GSA schedules would be a good idea.


SSA to monitor social media sites

The Social Security Administration wants to monitor what the public says about the agency on social media Web sites.


Sharing of past-performance data now mandatory

A revised FAR rule requires agencies to use a standard database to share contractors' performance information with one another.


Two familiar snags await DHS

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano must define inherently government work and find the people to do the insourced work.


DHS contracts in line for evaluation

All new professional services contracts worth more than $1 million will be reviewed, including PACTS.


DHS names PACTS winners

The Homeland Security Department has awarded the $1.5 billion PACTS contract for professional services.


Census successfully uses handhelds to verify addresses

The Census Bureau finished the first phase of the 2010 decennial census ahead of schedule in part because new handheld computers performed well despite earlier problems.


How DHS cut costs: Software recycling, contract consolidation

DHS has cited savings from recycling software, consolidating contracts and pursuing other cost-cutting measures.


Kundra's vision: IT ‘storefront’ could replace GSA schedules

The federal CIO says federal government needs a procurement system that can keep pace with the rapid changes in technology.


Are GWACs dead or not? Readers sound off

Readers are giving us an earful about our recent coverage of a speech about the fate of GSA’s governmentwide acquisition contracts.

Digital Government

GAO: Agencies may be losing money on award fees

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy issued guidance in 2007 on awarding contractors award fees that would save money, but many agencies haven't instilled the guidance, auditors say.


DOD’s use of services contracts gets congressional scrutiny

The fiscal 2010 National Defense Authorization Act seeks greater oversight of services and speedier ways to buy information technology.


Acquisition community stuck in time, reader says

Social media might be way behind the mindset of some acquisition officials, who are still busy creating databases, says one reader.


GSA contract move mirrors market needs, experts say

GSA official says many GWACs won't be renewed as GSA markets its Alliant and Alliant Small Business contracts.


Transparency initiatives bolstered by chief performance officer, official says

Government transparency is combining people, technology and acquisition in new ways, a top procurement official said.


Agencies turn to GSA Schedules for T&M contracts

Regulations proving why a time-and-materials contract was the only option for the purchase weren't applied to the Schedules program.