
DISA seeks on-demand communications

The Defense Information Systems Agency wants to build an on-demand communications system.


Q & A: High-tech cutter reaches milestone

Coast Guard Rear Adm. Gary Blore expects the first National Security Cutter to receive certification for classified communications in the near future.


Contractor salary cap raised by OFPP

The Obama administration's scrutiny of contractors and their salaries makes this cap more important than ever, an expert said.


Obama signs law to reform weapons buying

The new law gives Defense Department officials more requirements for overseeing big-ticket weapons acquisitions to keep them on schedule and hold down costs.


Experts: Acquisition jobs offer few incentives

A panel of experts said the field has lost its luster because the jobs have become administrative positions.


Proposal would clarify sole-source language

Regulators want to amend regulations to minimize confusion about when a small business owned by a service-disabled veteran can get a sole-source contract.


CBP to spend $100M on SBInet

U.S. Customs and Border Protection says it will use the money to improve its border surveillance technology and communications.


Lee joins Professional Services Council

Deidre Lee held some of the top federal acquisition roles during a 32-year government career.


Bills back GSA Multiple Award program

The GSA Multiple Award Schedules program is often the first step for small business entering the federal contracting marketplace.


Alaska Natives grab senator's attention

The special set-aside status of Alaska Native Corporations raises questions as Congress and administration seek to end no-bid and sole-source contracts.


Supplemental bills would restrict award fees

Congress tries to toughen a 2007 law that set guidance on how to judge whether contractors' work is worth any extra money.


DOD IG spots conflict in regulations

The Federal Acquisition Regulation has conflicting rules for small-business contracting, according to DOD's inspector general.


Industry skeptical of proposed contractor cuts

Some companies disagree with the president’s plans to reduce the defense contractor workforce, but they are reluctant to antagonize their federal customers.


Battle lines drawn on competitive sourcing

Government contractors have deep concerns about the Clean Up Act, which would uphold limits on outsourcing.


Punch-out: Contractors vs. feds

President Barack Obama has raised a ruckus among FCW readers with his proposal to convert 33,500 defense contractor jobs to federal positions.


The federal workforce: Clerk vs. Businessman

The Obama administration is taking a positive view of the coming wave of retirements by federal employees.


Obama's emerging IT agenda could mean big changes

Experts say the new president is moving ahead with his ambitious agenda despite the financial meltdown and disease outbreak


Kundra's savings plan takes shape

The Obama administration inherited $71 billion worth of annual IT spending from the previous administration, and Vivek Kundra, the government’s chief information officer, will now take his whack at making that money count and holding agencies that spend it more accountable.


Can we trust evaluations?

The government could publish internal evaluations of contractor performance, but in many cases, they are not reliable guides.


Napolitano wants millions for IT

Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano told a House committee today about DHS' plans to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in IT systems.