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GAO: New mind-set would improve defense acquisition

Defense experts and officials say congressional changes alone won't correct acquisitions problems.

Modernization linked to other stimulus tracking sites

The White House's Web site for tracking stimulus spending is posting links to federal and state sites.


Administration asks for $20.5 billion increase for defense

The Defense Department’s acquisition process will be reformed under the White House’s proposed budget.


GAO: Barred contractors get millions

More than two dozen federal contractors guilty of fraud and illegal activity still managed to win millions of dollars in contracts, according to a new GAO report.


Administration wants to change contracting

Officials intend to review sole-source contracts and cost-type contracts, which offer awards for good performance, while clarifying the types of work only government employees can do.


House boosts agency spending in fiscal 2009 appropriations

The House approved $410 billion for the major agencies, which have been operating under a continuing resolution since October.


FAA will use software to identify sensitive data

A recent data breach demonstrated how difficult it is for agencies with a large infrastructure to know where all their sensitive data is and to assure its security, an official says.


Group recommends 'tiger teams' for acquisitions

Agencies should set up teams of experts to write clear contract requirements at the earliest stages of the acquisition process, report says.


TSA checks out systems for waiting time data

The agency wants information on systems to collect hourly data on waiting times for passenger security checkpoints at airports.

Digital Government

Acquisition workforce may grow

OMB officials consider ways to reallocate employees to meet the contracting and oversight demands of the stimulus package.

Digital Government

Guerra: Bid protests as a business strategy

Consultant Robert Guerra is outraged that someone is trying to make money by teaching companies how to protest unsuccessful bids, no matter why they lost.

Modernization will move to cloud computing

A contractor will provide hosting, storage and disaster recovery services for GSA’s Web portals.


Devaney to oversee recovery funds

The Interior Department inspector general, who uncovered the department’s dealings with disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, will monitor economic stimulus outlays for waste and abuse.


Transparency of under scrutiny

State and local databases might not feed information to easily because of incompatibility issues.


DHS works on EAGLE small-business strategy

Officials are considering two approaches to host competitions for the EAGLE II - Small Business contract.


DOD ceases separate testing of IPv6 products

Now all voice, video and data IPv6 products undergo a standard evaluation that can lead to being certified for DOD use.


Treasury grapples with devising systems for TARP

The department plans to release soon requests for proposals for the modernization of two programs -- its foreign intelligence network and enterprise content management system.


As NMCI wraps, question of what is next looms

The next generation of NMCI is likely to be the end of the single-vendor model, but it's far from clear what the Navy will replace it with.


CANES to consolidate shipboard networks

As the Navy prepares to rework its shore-based networks under the Next Generation Enterprise Network, a parallel effort is under way to streamline the networks on ships.