
New marching orders

As a new president takes the Oval Office, federal agencies prepare for policy and priority shifts.


John Gioia: Program management innovator

John Gioia, co-founder of Robbins-Gioia, died of cancer Dec. 26.


IG: Job competition saps staff

DOD auditor’s report sends clear signal on what the acquisition workforce needs.


Report finds mixed outcome on cutter

The Coast Guard has had mixed results with its National Security Cutter program, according to a new report that also recommended improving the government's acquisition processes.


IG: FEMA acquisition workforce still not prepared

DHS' inspector general said in an audit of FEMA's acquisition workforce that the agency is not adequately prepared to effectively respond to a disaster.


Small companies face another hurdle on Alliant contract

The government must certify that the chosen companies qualify as small businesses before they can begin bidding for orders on the $15 billion contract.


The Lectern: Contracting in a time of mega-deficits and economic downturn

Government contracting has a number of chronic challenges that need addressing but that can't be fixed overnight. Meanwhile, there is a chance for our contracting workforce, and the incoming administration, to score some quick contracting wins that are related to the current economic and budget situation.


Editorial: Advocating for change

As the year draws to a close, FCW looks back at some of the issues its editors tackled in 2008.


Letter: Oversight should be applied to Congress

A reader writes that oversight should be applied to Congress in addition to contractors, who need more support from technical representatives.


Experts: Value beats price to avoid fake IT

At a recent meeting, procurement experts agreed that contracting officers should look beyond price when awarding contracts.


Experts redefining government-only work

Lawmakers, officials are working on a new definition for inherently governmental functions.


Letter: Contractor overseers must do more than check spelling

A reader agrees with more oversight is needed for contractors.


Letter: Managers spend too much time on "priority" projects

A readers to say that managers spend too much time on what they consider priority projects and not enough time on personnel.


GSA to contractors: Drop a dime on crime

The agency's inspector general creates an online form so contractors can report alleged criminal activity.


Report Contractors should get more oversight

New laws aren't enough prevent abuses of federal contracts, a report contends.


GSA bumps $50B Alliant awards to 2009

The agency has completed re-evaluations of Alliant Small Business bids and expects to announce awards in December.


Breaking down the rule

Starting Dec. 12, the government can suspend or disbar a company that doesn't comply with new rules for disclosing criminal allegations.


Watchdogs make industry leery

Federal contractors must report evidence of crimes to inspectors general under new requirements.


Transition Watch: Gates to focus on acquisition

Defense contracting reform is a key issue for the incoming administration, and increased attention from Gates is expected to bring Gates and President-elect Obama into closer agreement on future needs.