
IG: NASA's ODIN could be more cost-effective

Agency officials agreed with recommendations to help managers negotiate lower prices for peripheral devices under the contract.


Officials concerned about oversight of task orders

Task and delivery orders accounted for nearly half of all money that agencies spent on interagency contracts.


Tips for avoiding protests

The Government Accountability Office ruled that task and delivery orders are fair game for industry protests.


Ruling clouds future for buyers

Experts debate the potential impact of a GAO decision on small-business contracting.


Letter: CIO better solution than CTO

A reader agrees with the founder of Monash Research that President-elect Barack Obama's should appoint a "true CIO" to handle issues such as procurement.


Kelman: Management trumps oversight

Contracting oversight should not be mistaken for good management.


New ethics rules require disclosure by contractors

Regulators take a mandatory disclosure approach to get companies to notify agencies about crimes against the government.


Letter: Requirements documents should be clear

A reader writes that the acquisition workforce should take classes for writing work statements.


Postal Service wants software to help procurement

The software should be delivered as a service and have low reliance on IT resources, USPS says.


GAO rejects limits on task order reviews

The Government Accountability Office rejects the Army's assertion that contractors can't protest the service's award, only the initial solicitation.


TSA approves test for TWIC readers

The Transportation Security Administration has approved testing of biometric readers as part of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential program.


Letter: Applauding GAO recommendations for R&D centers

A reader agrees with recent recommendations by the Government Accountability Office that agencies should share best practices for managing federally funded research and development centers.


FCW Insider: Missives from today's MAS panel meeting



Court ruling could affect future small-business set-asides

ormer official says the court's rationale could stretch beyond race to other socio-economic areas.


Letter: Demise of Coast Guard acquisition authority exaggerated

The Coast Guard responds to article about its acquisition decision authority.


DHS seeks training for acquisition workforce

The department wants its workforce to grasp acquisition regulations in a complex environment.


Letter: A proper approach to changing federal workforce

A reader writes to suggest his approach to changing the federal workforce under President-elect Obama.


Klossner: The bucks stop here



USCIS' IT modernization moves ahead

Citizenship and Immigration Services has awarded IBM a contract worth as much as $491.1 million to improve the agency's immigration application and adjudication processes.


In the News: DOD loses minority contractor rule

Business Week reports that a court has ruled that the program favoring minority-owned firms is unconstitutional.