
The FAR’s definitions of competition

The Federal Acquisition Regulation defines what qualifies as full-and-open competition.


DOT nurtures competition culture

The Transportation Department shot up the competitive contracting rankings after encouraging employees to focus on competition.


A push for more competition

White House, Congress want to see less work done through sole-source contracts.


FCW Insider: Denett to leave OFPP in September



FCW Insider: OFPP's Denett ready to depart

The FCW Insider hears that Paul Denett has informed the Office of Management that he will leave at the beginning of September.


Letter: OSD using wrong formula to solve modernization symptoms

A reader writes that the Government Accountability Office should get to the root of DOD's modernization issues.


Can agencies take the new iPhones seriously?

With more users clamoring for Apple's latest phones, IT leaders must decide if these phones are smart enough to handle an agency's needs.


Dial in the perfect smart phone

Experts explain the key usability features, services and security issues to consider when making a buy.


A new management agenda

Paul Light's book discusses the agenda for reform and other challenges in government.


Burns: The not so invisible hand

Government Web site managers play an important role in ensuring the right content reaches the right people.


FCW Insider: Robert Shea to leave OMB

OMB's Robert Shea, who has been spearheading the initiatives on performance and transparency, plans to leave in August, sources tell the FCW Insider.


Grassley plans hold on Williams nomination

The Iowa senator is opposed to Jim Williams being confirmed to head the General Services Administration because of a controversial contract dispute.


Senate panel set to vote on Williams this week

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee will consider Jim Williams’ nomination to head GSA.


Poised to lead GSA, Williams answers Congress

GSA administrator nominee Jim Williams shared his views on energy efficiency and more with a Senate committee.


Buzz of the Week: Procurement deja vu

Some topics keep re-emerging: Sun Microsystems and the GSA schedule contract, and Lurita Doan in the spotlight.


FCW's The Week

Find links to articles in the July 28, 2008, issue and related items.


Congratulations! Your HUBZone biz is certified

GAO investigators were able to get fake companies certified under the HUBZone program.


SBA faulted on set-aside check

GAO says ‘faith-based’ reporting can lead to mis-reported small biz contracts, costing millions.